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吹着七彩球笑看落花。Colorful falling ball Xiaokan blowing.

祝大家生活七彩缤纷,七星高照!Wish you a colorful life, Seven is high!

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一棵挂著七彩灯的枯树The colorful bulbs light a tree suddenly.

我们,把数不清的七彩酒精灌下肚,醉了。Gulping cups of colourful alcohol, we get drunk.

第二天,男孩与女孩一同玩耍七彩颜色粉。The next day boys play with gulal with the girls.

“七彩丹霞飞不去、水做琴声天外音”。" Colorful Danxia fly to outer sound, water music".

尼加拉瀑布区观赏七彩瀑布夜景。Afterwards, heading to Niagara Falls for night view of Falls.

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可以随视角变幻出七彩祥光,魅力无穷。It can change colorful auspicious light follow the visual angle.

父母给了我一片蓝天和七彩阳光。My parents gave me a part of blue sky and seven color sun light.

洒在屋前的冰挂上,折射出七彩眩光。The sun shines on the glazed ice, and reflects wonderful colors.

开七彩豆腐店需要办理哪些证书?。Run seven colored Beancurd Shop need which certificate to handle?

舞队中间是七彩大裙子,象征太阳神。Among the dance group is a large skirt that symbolizes God of Sun.

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等我成为了盖世英雄,我会踏着七彩祥云去找你。Lets that matchless hero who in her heart waited for with hardship.

她们喜欢带七彩的帽子和穿着颜色艳丽的民族服装。They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses.

假的东西只是七彩的泡影,光艳而又美丽,却一触即破。Leave only colorful thing goes up in smoke, Guangyan beautiful, but broken touch.

磨砂、折光、七彩、水晶、局部光油工艺。Frosting, Diffraction, Seven Colors, Quartz, Silk-Screen Printing , Offset printing.

但是三棱镜能够把阳光折成七彩色,但是大气层的折射并没有那么强。While a prism can make a dramatic rainbow, atmospheric refraction isn't that strong.

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假的东西只是七彩的泡影,光艳而又美丽,却一触即破。Leave only colorful thing goes up in smoke, Guangyan and beautiful, but broken touch.

表明添加锌有利于提高七彩山鸡的种蛋性能。It suggested that Zinc can improved the breeding egg performance in colored pheasants.

漫野的绿色填补了生活的空白,缥缈的七彩洋溢着青春的风采。Thee green life fills the diffuse field blank, misty colorful filled with youthful style.