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冷食热食均可。Can be served cold or hot.

我的牙齿对冷食过敏。My teeth are very sensitive to cold food.

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这样的话,冷食及少油的食物好些。In that case, the food should be cold, not greasy.

芥末果肉蜂蜜即可冷食也可热食。The Honey Mustard Fruits can be served cold or warm.

我们都又热又累,我提议一起到公园去吃一点冷食。I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.

就着冷食喝啤酒对胃是十分有害的。It is harmful to the stomach to eat cold food rinsed with beer.

助餐时不可把冷食,热菜和点心类食物混装在一个盘子里。You should not mix hot food wi cold food onto one plate at a buffet.

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尽量坚持食用新鲜土豆,冷食也是好主意。Try to stick to new potatoes, and it is a good idea to eat them cold.

助餐时不可把冷食,热菜和点心类食物混装在一个盘子里。You should not mix hot food with cold food onto one plate at a buffet.

在古时候,这一天人们不事炊火,只能吃冷食。In ancient times, people didn't cook on this day and only cold food was served.

光彩从2000年底开始代理雀巢冷食系列。Ltd. cooperated with Nestle as the distributor of Nestle Ice-cream since end of 2000.

通常妇女产后要忌冷食,但维生莲藕可不忌。Postpartum women usually have to bogey cold, but living lotus may from time to bogey.

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一家人围着桌子坐下来,几样素朴的冷食摆在他们的面前。The family sat down to table, and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited before them.

寒食禁火冷食祭墓,清明取新火踏青出游。Cold food observance ban fire cold food festival tomb sweeping outing travel, take new fire.

自此,晋文公下令每年的这一天禁止生火,只吃冷食,这就是寒食节的来历。He ordered all his people to ban the use of fire and eat cold food that day to mark Jie's death.

从今天开始,在超市出售的鲜肉将贴上出产国或“冷食”标签。Starting today, fresh food sold in supermarkets must have a country of origin label or "COOL" for sure.

然后分两次拿菜。一次拿冷食,一次拿热食――但是只拿那些真正吸引你的食物。Then make one trip for cold foods and one for hot — but only take those foods that really appeal to you.

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SFD系列全自动包装机广泛应用于食品、冷食、医药、化工五金、酒类和日用品等领域。SFD series auto packaging machines is suitable for foodstuff, frozen food, medicine, chemistry, daily need and etc.

花生蛋白粉可用于肉类制品、谷物焙烤制品、饮料、冷食以及副食品、调味品和休闲食品。The peanut meal could be used in meat and cereal roasted products, beverage, flavouring and cold drinks and shacks.

哈利姆是将小麦、肉桂、黄油、糖与肉丝混合在一起用大锅烹制而成,即可作为热食亦可作为冷食。Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold.