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爱是休戚与共。Love is sharing.

与一切有着人类面孔的事情休戚与共?Solidarity with everything that has a human face?

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戴利家族和芝加哥政坛似乎是休戚与共。The Daleys and Chicago politics seem to be made for one another.

我们这里唯一的黑人家庭,但我们与我们的街道、我们的社区休戚与共。We were the only black family but we firmly belonged to our street and our community.

它弥合了裂痕,有助于实现在不平衡的破碎世界休戚与共的设想。It melds fractures and helps envisage solidarity in our imbalanced and fractured world.

没有任何一个时刻更能让我们清楚地意识到,我们彼此血脉相连,我们的命运休戚与共。No other moment enables us to better understand our connections and our shared destiny.

在人类历史上,国与国之间从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。The human history has never seen such close linkage and solidarity among nations before.

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这与另外重要题目连接,当我们注视痴呆道德规范是要休戚与共。This links with another important theme when looking at the ethics of dementia – that of solidarity.

“在此非常时刻,你感到了世界休戚与共,”奥伯格说,“可能是我。"For a rare moment, you get a feeling of international solidarity," Ochberg said. "This could be me.

“在此非常时刻,你感到了世界休戚与共,”奥伯格说,“可能是我。"For a rare moment, you get a feeling of international solidarity, " Ochberg said. "This could be me.

温家宝最后说,中巴是全天候的战略伙伴,是休戚与共的好兄弟。Wen said China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners and good brothers sharing weal and woe.

作为东亚大家庭的一员,中国同本地区各国命运相连,休戚与共。As a member of the East Asian family, China is linked with all the other countries in common joys and sorrows.

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在人类漫长的发展史上,世界各国的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today.

在人类历史上,我们从未像现在这样休戚与共。只有共同面对,我们才能掌握自己的命运。More than ever before in human history, we all share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together.

但是,尽管有如此多的变化,我依然是那个等待父亲回家的孩子,他依然是那个会与我休戚与共的父亲。But despite it all, I’m still the child waiting for my father to get home, and he’s still the man who will stand by me.

当时发表一个休戚与共,是-加利福尼亚的问题称为“濒危梦”1991年,航空航天工业崩溃。" TIME published a woe-is-California issue called "The Endangered Dream" in 1991 after the aerospace industry collapsed.

在人类漫长的发展史上,世界各国的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。Mr. President, In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today.

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他们证明了在家庭中真正意义上的休戚与共,和作为一个社会,我们对他们也有相应责任。They demonstrate a real sense of solidarity within the family, and as a society we have a corresponding responsibility towards them.

在联合国,我们在集体中找到正确的道路,全球的共同事业,为我们休戚与共的命运相互承担责任。At the United Nations, we find the proper path in community, global cause, fair decisions, mutual responsibility for a destiny we share.

在许许多多的人付出重大牺牲的时候,我们理应更深入地思考我们与国家休戚与共的誓言,思考彼此间肝胆相照的承诺。It is natural, in light of such sacrifice by so many, to think more deeply about the commitments that bind us to our nation, and to each other.