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寒风起霜降山顶。Peak wind from the frost.

霜降时花即枯萎。Flowers perish when frost comes.

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早霜降在种著甘菊的牧场。Early dews are on a lea with camomiles.

星星升起,霜降下来,蓝松鸦歌唱。Stars climb, frost comes, and blue jays sing.

霜降危及新作物的存活。Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.

霜降开始的时候,旱金莲会挣扎着长,它们开花的速度放慢了。Once the frosts start, the nasturtiums will struggle.

我们得赶在霜降之前采收作物。We need to try to harvest the crops before the frost.

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而这霜降之夜预兆了的雏见的收获。As the frost is calling for young harvest to the night.

第一次霜降总是意味着爷爷来探望我们。The first frost always meant that Papa was coming to see us.

一片落叶掉到索丕的膝上。这是寒霜降临的信号。A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap, That was Jack Frost 's card.

今天是中国二十四节气中的霜降。Today is in the Chinese 24 solar terms hoar frost descendings.

而对银行的资产质素霜降也是一个重要的积极的。And the Shuangjiang on banks asset quality is also a major positive.

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我们是“种雪”的人,对我们来说,第一次霜降意味着到了“种”魔法雪球的时候。We were snow farmers, and to us, first frost meant magic snowball time.

如果你七月一号的烧烤因为霜降而挪到室内,那你是住在安大略省。If your 1st of July BBQ was moved indoors due to frost, you live in Ontario.

伴随着霜降的到临,万物充满了晚秋的气息。As Frost's Descent comes, the world is filled with the atmosphere of late autumn.

在霜降节上,壮族人民会祭祀、跳舞和唱民歌。In the Frost's Descent Festival, the Zhuang people offer sacrifices, dance and sing folk songs.

在每个秋天的第一次霜降,爷爷就会到我们家来。Every fall, when the frost first played freeze tag with the grass, Papa would come to our house.

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在一个月圆星稀之夜,第一场霜降临了。First frost comes in the night, a clear, scant-started night when the moon is near its fullness.

霜降时期吃柿子能帮助人们抵御寒冷,保护好骨骼。Eating persimmons during Frost's Descent can help people resist the cold and protect their bones.

第一场雪使我们想起了爷爷,第一次霜降和我们深埋在土里的魔法雪堆。The first snow reminded us of Papa, the first frost and our magic snowbank deep within the earth.