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协定自元月一日起生效。The agreement tooks effect as of January.

这份婚约在元月初宣告无效。The marriage was annulled in early January.

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二零零四年元月二十日来函收到,不胜感激。Thank you for your letter of 20 January 2004.

他把“元旦”从四月一日移到了元月一日。He moved New Year's day from April 1to January 1.

元月份的一个寒冷的下午,我患了重感冒。On a cold afternoon in January,I caught a bad cold.

美国于元月份为其总统举行就职仪式。The president-elect will be inaugurated in February.

美国于元月份为其总统举行就职仪式。The United States inaugurates its President in January.

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元月4日,警方以意外致人死亡罪起诉了卡车司机。On January 4th the police charged the driver with accidental death.

一九六四年元月撤销平凉市,恢复平凉县。Pingliang revoked in January 1964, the restoration of Pingliang County.

随后想到今天是元月元日。Afterwards, I began to think of today was the first day of January this year.

元月答应的提薪将追溯到去年10月份起算。The wage increases agreed in January are to be backdated to October last year.

2004年元月,通过对近用公帑资助研究资料的宣言。In January 2004, a Declaration on access to publicly funded research data was passed.

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各作品之所有权将属于作者所拥有作品于元月一日后将归还原主。All works of art remain your property and will be returned after the first of the year.

从今年元月起,我市部分企业已经开始实施集体协商集体合同制度。In fact, some of the enterprises of the city have practiced the system since this January.

印度门球全国冠军赛于今年元月24日---25日在奥里沙邦,布班斯瓦市举行。National Gateball Championship was held on 24th and 25th Jan. 2009 in Bhuhanesear, Orissa.

这些人试图在元月25日下载三小时的节目但却失败了。Those who tried to download the three-hour program on Jan. 25, however, were disappointed.

元月九日,一只小狗在德国西部卢登榭德某湖岸边的雪地上玩耍。A dog plays in the snow on the banks of a lake on Jan. 9, 2009 in Luedenscheid, western Germany.

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自西方国家开始将元月1日作为节日庆祝以来只有过去400年的历史。January 1 has been celebrated as a holiday by Western nations for only about the past 400 years.

自元月13日以来,全市出现大范围、高强度、长时间的雨雪冰冻天气。Since January 13, the city's large scope, high-intensity, long-term freezing rain and snow weather.

在雇主停工放长假后,很多人将会到元月19号才开始回到工作岗位。Many will not return to work until January 19 after their employers shut down for an extended break.