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我们的生活必需设法量入为出。We have to contrive to live on our own income.

是的,许多人都希望政府开始量入为出。Yes, many want government to start living within its means.

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就像任何一个家庭,我们必须量入为出,为我们所必须要做的事情腾出空间。Just like any family, we have to live within our means to make room for things we absolutely need.

爱尔兰开始量入为出,最近终于使它的贸易账户达到了平衡。The country has stopped spending beyond its means, recently bringing its trade account into balance.

这需要时间,还需要建立支持储蓄的新心态,鼓励美国家庭在生活中量入为出。That will take time and a new pro-saving mentality that encourages American families to live within their means.

从反面来看,更广泛的切入点集合确实具备量入为出的属性,因为切入点可以边用边学。On the flipside, a broader set of pointcuts does have a pay-as-you-go property, as pointcuts can be learned as needed.

量入为出是一句简朴的格言,然而只有极少数的青年人理解并知道如何遵循它。Spend less than you earn. It’s such a simple maxim, and yet very few young adults understand it or know how to follow it.

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亚历桑德拉说,“她常常提醒人们生活要量入为出,这对于商业来说也非常重要。”"She would always caution people not to live beyond their means, which is important to business as well, " Alexandra says.

但一项新研究揭示,富人们一般也不会关心那些辛辛苦苦地量入为出的穷人。But then a new study has revealed the wealthy are unlikely to be bothered about those who are struggling to make ends meet.

长期看,美国人除了节约用钱外别无选择,短期看,必须削减债务和节省开支,量入为出。Long term, Americans may have no choice but to spend less, save more and reduce debts — in short, to live within their means.

从而,这个靠攻击“量入为出”的民主党派而博得政治声誉的男人创造了“支出和借用”共和主义。So, a man who made his political reputation by attacking “spend and tax” Democrats invented “spend and borrow” Republicanism.

这个预算控制开支,坚持量入为出的原则,但同时支持对能源、教育和基础设施的投资。It restrains spending and sticks to the rule of pay-as-you-go but supports investments in energy, education, and infrastructure," he said.

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这些乞丐不但无法量入为出,而且他们的家庭成员也拒绝拿自己的钱出来,这样的借款者可没什么吸引力。Mendicants who can't control their spending, with family members who refuse to put up their own cash, don't make for attractive borrowers.

但是“量入为出”的财政原则不能从根本上杜绝统治者对百姓搜刮,个体小农仍然摆脱不了贫困的局面。However, this principle can not essentially stop the rulers from clawing the common people and individual peasants still suffer from poverty.

新华社发表评论要求美国“治愈其债务依赖症”并“做到量入为出”。Xinhua, the state news agency, published a commentary demanding that the United States “cure its addiction to debts” and “live within its means.

“我们将必须在限制未来承诺方面十分自律,重新施行量入为出这样的预算纪律,”他表示。“We will have to be very disciplined in limiting future commitments through the reintroduction of budget disciplines, such as pay-as-you go rules,” he said.

他的衣着打扮会量入为出,知道他的外表不会给别人留下批评的余地,所以他可以毫不在意。He expresses himself in his dress so far as his means allow—and knowing that his appearance gives no grounds for criticism, he can be quite unconscious of it.

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文章还指责美国“借债上瘾”,并称华盛顿重温久经历史检验的常识、量入为出过日子的时候到了。The article also excoriated US "debt addiction" and said it was "time for Washington to revisit the time-tested common sense that one should live within one's means".

如果你学会管理薪水,量入为出,存一些钱以备将来之用,你就可以将所受教育学以致用了,无论你选择做什么工作。If you learn to manage a paycheck, spend less than you earn and stash away some money for later, you can put that education to good use, no matter what you choose to do.

你需要量入为出,但是你想挣大钱,你必须增加你的收入或者找到增加资本的方法。You should keep your expense within your income but if you want to make serious money then you must significantly boost your income or find ways to multiply your capital.