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时机将很快成熟。Time will soon ripen.

但我一直在等时机。But I had bided my time.

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他在那里等待时机。He bides his time there.

要把握时机。Take time by the forelock.

但时机未到,我还不想招呼他呢。I would not accost him yet.

趁热打铁。抓住时机。Seize time by the forelock.

对我来说,时机已到。And for me, that time's now.

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但是我的咒语说,不行,时机未到。But not yet, my mantra says.

但是时机可能未必成熟。But the time may not be ripe.

要把握时机。Take time along the forelock.

行动时机已到。The moment to act has arrived.

一些人质疑证交会的时机选择。Some question the SEC’s timing.

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坐待时机,就会失去时机。Who waits for time, loses time.

“气候智能型”世界时机已到?Time for a “climate-smart” world?

别着急,时机即将成熟。Don't worry. Time will soon ripen.

时机尚未成熟。The opportunity has not yet arrived.

我们等待最佳时机。We wait for the perfect opportunity.

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时机未到,一切照旧"Nothing will change before its time."

现在正是我们的大好时机。We have a real opportunity right now.

他正在等待升职的有利时机。He is biding his time for a promotion.