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乱来于事无补。To hugger-mugger won't help you.

严密监视裸官也于事无补。Nor will the close monitoring of naked officials.

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困难总会有,但是认输气馁却于事无补。There are difficulties, but being defeatist can't help.

事实上,担心就是我的整个生命,最近的国际事件也于事无补。I’ve been one all my life. In fact, worrying is my life.

家长认为,美国最高法院最近颁布的一项法令对现状于事无补。And a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling doesn't help parents.

但木已成舟,说难过也于事无补了。But the damage is done now. Saying sorry won’t mend anything.

反之,如果你说,“你真是邋遢得不行”,即便这是事实,也于事无补。It's not beneficial to say, "You are a slob, " even if it's true.

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崔真实向警方求助搜查事实真相,但于事无补。Cui Zhen fact appeals to police ransack nitty-gritty , but at job of no help.

不,不,我不能责怪自己,这样非但于事无补,也帮不了基斯。No, no, I can't blame myself, that won't help matters. That won't help Keith.

但对发达国家而言,这种观念于事无补。But such a concept is a nonstarter as far as the developed world is concerned.

天哪,又中计了。乌鸦捶胸顿足,但于事无补了。Goodness, the crow was fooled again. The crow beat its breast but it was in vain.

心中再有不舍,不忍心和过去的甜蜜说再见,也于事无补了。Reluctant to say goodbye to the past sweet as we are, our efforts are unavailing.

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但如果你没有达到这个标准,记住沮丧于事无补。But incase you don't fit the bill, remember getting disheartened ain't gonna help.

不要先判断是非对错或与孩子互相怪罪,因为这也于事无补。Do not firstly judge the right and wrong or blame each other, because it is in vain.

侈谈传统与侈谈创新都于事无补,优秀传统最本质的精神是“继往开来”。In essence, the spirit of the positive tradition is carrying forward into the future.

在我看来这是试图简化世界,实际上是于事无补的。To my mind this is an attempt to simplify the world in a way that is actually unhelpful.

库存量的快速削减和信贷市场上的临时畸变于事无补。A rapid rundown in inventories and temporary distortions in credit markets have not helped.

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珍爱的东西无可挽回地失去了,做什么也都于事无补了。Something treasured had been irretrievably lost, and there was nothing to be done about it.

尽管目前说这个显得于事无补,但是在我看来,这个比分显得非常夸张。Although present said that this appears no helps, but in my opinion, this score appears exaggerates.

但回避独占市场的质询则于事无补,因为这一点对所有与会者来说完全是显而易见的事实。But deflect questions about your market dominance -- something obvious to everyone in the room -- doesn't help.