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其实,收缩是虎头蛇尾。In fact, contraction is a cop-out.

虎头蛇尾。把大山搬到老鼠前面,反差更甚。The mountain has brought forth a mouse.

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电影非常令人沮丧而且还虎头蛇尾的。It's just very depressing and anticlimactic.

中国好多奥运会的项目是虎头蛇尾。A lot of Olympick projects of China is anti-climax.

其他措施,因为官员腐败,计划不完善,虎头蛇尾,不了了之。Others fizzled because of corruption and poor planning.

他做事总是虎头蛇尾的,以至于今天受到了老板的责骂。He was always such a quitter as to scolded by his boos today.

会显得浮浅或虎头蛇尾。身体与心灵都很美丽。May seem superficial or inconsistent. Beautiful physically and mentally.

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你似乎给人一个印象,不管你做什麽,你总是虎头蛇尾,没做完。Somehow you give people the impression that whatever you do is half-baked.

一件小事作得完美胜过多少事做得虎头蛇尾。----柏拉图。Better to complete a small task well, than do much imperfectly. ---- Plato.

基于这些下行风险,最近房屋价格的上扬可能会虎头蛇尾。Given these downside risks, the recent pop in house prices will probably fizzle.

后性能优良的第一幕,其余的发挥是一个虎头蛇尾。After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax.

在这题外话之后,是第七道印,相当虎头蛇尾。Then after that digression then you have this seventh seal which is really kind of anticlimactic.

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马肉片,你不能对马肉冰激凌指望太多,所以就有些虎头蛇尾了fillet de cheval r?ti, you couldn't do much with horse ice-cream, so it sort of trailed by the end.

每一年,姚明都以难救主,火箭都是虎头蛇尾的怂样。Every year, Yao Ming is difficult to Savior, the Rockets are doing it by halves of the kind of counseling.

这是一个虎头蛇尾,至少可以说,当我们在去年达到了安克雷奇机场为我们的航班。It was an anticlimax, to say the least, when we at last reached the Anchorage airport for our flight home.

就像所有创作一样,若瞻前不顾后、虎头蛇尾,草率收尾的结果,将会抹煞之前所有努力。Like the finishing stage of any creative work, post-writing can, through carelessness, spoil all that preceded it.

语境第一要有耐心,因为没有耐心,遇到麻烦就退缩,那么大多数事情就会虎头蛇尾,不能很好完成。First, want to have patience, because no patience, in trouble, so most of the setback things will not good anticlimactic.

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再想想自己的半途而废、虎头蛇尾,我不禁惭愧自己当初为何不能像他们一样坚持到底呢?To think about their own halfway, anticlimactic, I couldn't help but be ashamed of themselves had why not like them as adhere to in the end?

我最喜欢的仍是插曲中,阿波罗12号着陆月球,也许在太空旅行的历史上最虎头蛇尾的时刻。My favorite is still the episode in which Apollo 12 arrives at the moon, perhaps the most anticlimactic moment in the history of space travel.

同时,学习中要避免照抄照搬、大而空、严人宽己和虎头蛇尾等现象。In the meantime, copy word for word should avoid to copy in study, wide oneself mixes big and sky, severe person anticlimactic wait for a phenomenon.