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我们中有谁能不清楚当我们被张冠李戴的情景?For who among us does not know what it is like to be Tuttle-d?

所以把流动性不足作为全部问题来对待就是张冠李戴了。So to assume that the whole problem is inadequate liquidity bypasses the real issue.

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珍珠,我真希望你当时没说这些话。你该知道张冠李戴这句成语。I wish you hadn't said that, Pearl. You know the old proverb, 'Call a maid by a married name. '

这就是张冠李戴-,错误认定性觉醒因素,“我不知道这是什么That's the idea of misattribution-- aroused due to something else, " "don't know what that is."

这样明显的张冠李戴,恐怕不能算是报告炮制者的大意吧!Obviously, this is not an error resulting from the carelessness of those who produced the report.

从整个内容看,篡改了弘一大师生活的那段历史,张冠李戴,移花接木。Judging from the main contents of the play, the history of the master in that period was distorted.

我最大的问题就是尽量记住每个人的名字以免因为张冠李戴使自己难堪。And the biggest problem so far I have is trying to remember everybody's name, so I won't embarrass my self.

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我会尽力记住每个人的名字,不至于张冠李戴而闹笑话。I'm trying to remember everybody's name so I won't embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by someone else's name.

迄今为止我最大的问题就是尽量记住每个人的名字以免因为张冠李戴使自己我难堪。My biggest problem so far has been trying to remember everybody's name so I won't embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by another's name.

这个录像视频我也看了,从内容来看明显带有剪接、张冠李戴、移花接木的痕迹。也许达赖集团从某些西方媒体那里学到了一些剪辑画面的技巧。I have also seen the video. The contents are obviously edited and doctored. Maybe the Dalai clique got some tips of image-editing from certain western media.

输液前,护士应该当面反复核对药品,确认病人信息才能正确执行医嘱,怎么会“张冠李戴”呢?Before infusion, the nurses should repeatedly check to confirm the drug, the patient information to the correct execution of orders, how will the wrong person?

你应该感谢,当你买回一堆毫无生气的禽肉时,杂货店收银员诚心诚意地为你刷卡,即使在归还信用卡时,张冠李戴地称呼你。Be thankful that when you go to buy a pale, poultrylike entity, the grocery clerk will accept your credit card in good faith and even return it with a heroic garble of your last name.

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这种张冠李戴的嫁接要讲究裁剪技巧,注意与领导分管的工作巧妙吻合、不露痕迹。This kind confuses one for the other grafts must be fastidious about the cutting out skill, the work which the attention and the leadership are in charge of tallies ingeniously, not shows.

但该书现存版本不多,一度鲜为人知,某些书籍的引用介绍甚至出现张冠李戴、误认作者姓名、书名的错误,更缺乏对其系统的整理研究。But the editions of this book are now few and little known by people, and some bibliotheca appear that the author is confused with another and is short of systematically collation and research.

比较记忆法就是把两个以上具有一定联系的事件或人物进行归类比较,找出它们之间的异同点,这样可防止张冠李戴。Comparison of two or more memory method is to have a certain link events or characters are classified compared to identify similarities and differences between them, so to prevent wrongly tagged.

我想做的是-,有时你的解释是正确的,但是有趣的解释是,是那些你犯了张冠李戴的错误-,你错误了认为是爱,而实际可能是其他的原因。I think what I want to do-- And sometimes that explanation is accurate, but the ones that are interesting here are the ones where you misattribute the cause of the arousal-- you make a mistake and think it's love when it might be due to something else.