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我邀请你去阅读。I invite you to read.

但是我们没被邀请。But we were uninvited.

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我希望他会接受邀请。I hope he will accept.

她邀请我去喝了茶。She invited me to tea.

有人邀请我们。We have an invitation.

邀请别人共进午餐。Invite people to lunch.

因此,除了她丈夫之外,送殡的全是佃户和仆人,伊莎贝拉没有得到邀请。Isabella was not asked.

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谁邀请邦尼一起玩儿?Who asked Boonie to play?

你可以问一下邀请者,You could ask the inviter,

即使受到邀请,我也不去。Even if invited, I won'tgo.

首先,要邀请的是乔治和凯伊。First of all, George and Kay.

他邀请了我们去他家聚会。He had us around for a party.

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感激你的邀请。Thank you for the allurement.

我们邀请他们到清真寺。We invite them to the masjid.

小狐狸邀请了熊熊来吃午餐。He had invited Bear for lunch.

邀请卡。好的,就这样。Invitation, alright, cool, so.

邀请朋友到家里做客吧。Invite friends in for a visit.

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非常感谢你们的邀请。Thank you for this invitation.

那个人常邀请他出去。The man often invites her out.

这份邀请早已被寄出。The invitations have been sent.