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地理信息只是微格式的一种。Location is just one type of microformat.

地理信息数据可能以任何形式保存。Geographic data can be stored in any form.

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单击下一步进入地理信息。Click Next to access geographical information.

报告也反映了有趣的地理信息。There is some interesting geographical data as well.

地理图像是多功能的地理信息载体。Geographic Picture is a multi-function information carrier.

谷歌地球不仅是一个地理信息工具,它已经变成一个开放的平台,在全球气候领域更将成为一项有力的工具。Google Earth Engine, A Powerful Tool to Monitor Climate Change

当地理信息服务被关闭时,完全删除缓存。deletes this cache entirely when Location Services is turned off.

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凭借该支持,我们可以从数据直接创建基于地理信息的图表。Geospatial visualization allows map-based charts to be created from data.

我们的iAds广告系统会利用地理信息作为投放广告的一个依据。Our iAds advertising system can use location as a factor in targeting ads.

地理信息服务是崇明县地理信息共享平台的核心,也是实现信息共享的主要手段。GIS service is the core of the platform and the main way of information sharing.

航测是目前获得地理信息的重要手段之一。At present, aerial survey is an important way to acquiring geographic information.

在一个页面上会显示访客的IP地址与地理信息喜欢哪一个城市或国家。In one page it will show visitor's IP Adress and Geo Info like which city or country.

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给出了在环卫信息系统中加入地理信息的一种方法。At last, a kind of strategy that add geography information to the system was introduced.

KML文件中包含的所有位置,包括所需的地理信息编码数据。The KML file contains all the location data, including the needed geo-coding information.

地理信息元数据查询系统是空间数据交换中心的重要组成部分。The geo-metadata query system is an important component of the spatial data exchange center.

两星期之后过滤掉地理信息,并且根本无法访问历史信息?Scrubbed geolocation data after two weeks and no way to access historical information at all?

“人-地-GIS”关系是地理信息科学及相关研究的基础。The relations of Human-Earth-GIS are the foundation of Geoinformatics and GIS-related researches.

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从产业发展的推动力来看,地理信息技术储备不足,亟待创新。The store of geographic information technologies are lack and innovation is needed as an impetus.

而各种先进技术的有利结合又促进了地理信息服务的快速发展。Moreover, various hi-techniques promote the fast development of geo-information services together.

属性分辨率有助于分析地理信息市场的结构和组织。Attribute resolution is useful for analysis of structure and organization of geo-information market.