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这篇作文读起来很顺口。This composition reads well.

把蛋液过滤,蒸出来的茶碗蒸会更平滑顺口。Filter egg mixture so that it turns out to be smooth.

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为了方便和顺口,我还是把它叫成“创新状态”。For the sake of easy reading, I'd like to call it as "innovation state".

不知为什么,他那很顺口的英语辅音怎么也发不出来。What had happened to his dainty english consonants? they would not come.

他们一路上没谈什么,除了偶尔顺口说上几句。They didn’t say much along the way, but on occasion a few words slipped out.

浓郁香料的口感。重重的单宁却不呛鼻,相当顺口的混合酒。Heavy herbal taste with strong tannins , but not acidic. A very smooth blend.

在我们握手道别的时候,我顺口说和她已经有一段时间没有见面了。As I wished her good-bye, I remarked that I had not seen her for quite a while.

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一旦你找出了你要表达的信息,你必须去把他们转换成顺口的语言。Once you have your messages figured out, you need to turn them into quotable quotes.

这款梅洛葡萄酒口感平滑顺口,色泽为明亮的深红色。Smoothing as the diving into the sea, this Australian Merlot is a deeper, brilliant red.

“当然我爱你,真心真意地爱你。”他顺口说了这句老掉牙的套话。Of course I love you. With my all heart. " The hackneyed phrase came unintended to his lips."

我在谈论“恐怖行为”时要比谈论“恐怖分子”时觉得更加顺口一些。I am much more comfortable with talking about 'acts of terror' than talking about 'terrorists'.

一般人通常喝加冰块的威士忌,因为冰块可以让酒喝起来更顺口。People usually have whisky on the rocks, because the ice cubes help to make the taste smoother.

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除了传统客家料理,顺口小吃亦有猫耳朵、水晶汤饺等独家私房料理。Besides traditional Hakka cuisines, we also have crystal dumplings, cat ears and other special dishes.

带有上等的酸味与甜味滑润顺口,是混合咖啡的最佳材料,适合深度烘培。Quality with smooth sour and sweet talk is the best coffee mixed materials, suitable for bakery depth.

他们不可能打电话给银行家说这些的,但如果你们一起打球,就会顺口扯到了You can't call up the banker and say that, but if you're playing golf it comes out perfectly naturally.

在人们心目中,当年的城隍庙不可等闲视之,以至连山名也因此庙而顺口叫做城隍山了。In that city, and lightly laid name is also therefore called Cheng Huang temple and hitting the mountains.

“哦,好运气啊,”店主顺口说着,眼睛却盯着刚走进店里的一个穿着讲究的顾客。"Ah, good fortune, " answered the man carelessly, his eye on a well-dressed customer who had just come in.

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清境好茶,真金不怕火炼,通过了层层考验,不仅仅只是顺口好喝,也让消费者安心。Ching Jing Teas pass through every test, we are not just only producing good teas, but also care about you.

可爱的外型纸盒,加上三种口味的享受,让人愈吃愈顺口。※全素。Nice outside mode carton, add three kinds flavor to enjoy, more and more smoothly for one bite of the month.

秀珍妈妈不让杜山喊秀珍妈妈,杜山现在已经很喜欢秀珍,妈妈也叫的很顺口。Show Jane mother wont let Du Shan shout show Jane, mom Du Shan now likes to show Jane, mother also called very smooth.