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类型转换。Type conversion.

照常进行转换。Transform as usual.

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什么是代码转换?What is transcoding?

为什么它要转换?Why does it convert?

转换为图像。Conversion to images.

转换什么呢?Transformation of what?

转换677英里以公里。Convert 677 miles to km.

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所以现在我要转换话题。So now I'm gonna switch.

批量转换视频格式。Batch convert video formats.

自信是可以转换的。Confidence is transferrable.

把记号转换成语意。Converting tokens into lexemes.

支持批量文件转换。Support Batch files conversion.

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测试转换状态码。Test the transition-state flag.

自动化与转换。Automations and transformations.

但如果转换思路,也不妨做成泡菜。But for a change, make a pickle.

快速,方便的大小转换。Quick and easy size changeovers.

雷达转换至相对运动船首向上。Change radar to relative head-up.

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我在你和我之间转换。I'm switching between you and me.

坚持对等的学分转换。Insist on transfer equivalencies.

镜头转换到一座坟墓。The scene shifted to a sepulcher.