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信差们将接转你的信。Messengers will relay your letter.

这位信差疑惑地摇摇头。The courier shook his head dubiously.

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这个乘客同意变成信差。The passenger agrees to become a courier.

送递急件的信差今天早晨送来了这封信。The letter was delivered by a courier this morning.

我们藉由电子邮件传送有关信差的消息。We send a information about messages of courier bye-mail.

我可以通过信差,这样不但快而且便宜,价钱已经包括在内。I can send via courier it is fast and cheaper and price is included.

有一天,当我和皇帝交谈时,有位信差来晋见。One day when I was talking with the emperor, a messenger came to him.

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在过道里,搭客给信差通报了一盒带信息。In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.

在过道里,搭客给信差传递了一盒带信息。in the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.

在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.

当他进入前厅,一个信差曲膝跪下,低着头,手放在胸前。A messenger genuflected as he entered, lowering its head and bringing an arm to its breast.

信差把邮筒里的信件放进了一个大袋子里,把它们带回了纽约邮局。The mail carrier put the letters into a large bag and took the bag to a post office in New York.

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班杰明、尔康常为紫薇和小燕子当信差,和柳青柳红成为朋友。Benjamin, Erkang often crape myrtle and swallow when the messenger, and red Liu Qingliu become friends.

一个穿蓝制服的信差来送电报,跑过她身旁,冲上那几级台阶,就消失在门里。A telegraph messenger in blue dashed past her and up the few steps that led to the entrance and disappeared.

年轻姑娘发出一声欣喜的呼喊,抬起头来,四顾寻觅那信差,但他已经不见了。The young girl uttered a joyful cry, raised her eyes, looked round to question the messenger, but he had disappeared.

之后他们又称一名妇女在袭击中死亡,但是死于双方的交火过程中,两名信差也当场丧命。They later said one woman had died in the raid but had been "caught in the crossfire". Two couriers were also killed.

我们闻到了你们饮料的香气,爱豆的信差也在回去的路上经过了洛里安甜麦圈。We have smelled the aroma of your brewing, and messengers from Elground have passed by Loriandadanish on their way home.

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起初,列车信差对他表示亲近,愤怒中的他却朝他们大吼大叫,于是他们也用捉弄来报复他。In his anger he had met the first advances of the express messengers with growls, and they had retaliated by teasing him.

星期四早上,街道信差拿起一撂信件,把它们按街道地址一一分类。A. Thursday morning the mail carrier for Main Street picked up her pile of letters. She sorted all of them by street address.

基地领导人的这种低技术含量通讯方式——由信差传递信息——并没有他们想象的那么安全。The militant leaders' carefully low-tech communication systems – couriers carrying notes – was not as secure as they thought.