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这种药药性平和。This medicine is quite mild.

“青矾和明矾的药性”。"Green vitriol and aluminous property of a medicine ".

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从食品药性来看,山楂味酸甘。From the food and drug, hawthorn fruit is sour in taste.

通过测试函数验证细菌群体趋药性算法寻优时的有效性。Functions are used to improve the validity of this proposed algorithm.

然而SFN的药性要比其他提取自植物的药物的药性要弱得多,因此毒性也要比它们小得多。However SFN is much weaker than these other plant-based drugs, and thus much less toxic.

丹药的药性如此强烈,她开始飘离地面,最后飞落在月亮上面。The potion was so strong she started floating and didn't stop till she reached the moon.

丹药的药性如此强烈,她开始飘离地面,最后飞落在月亮上面。The potion was so strong she started floating and didn`t stop till she reached the moon.

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目的制备苦参素缓释微丸,并研究其体外释药性能。Objective To prepare marine sustained-release pellets and study its release characteristics.

医生表示,已经给患者使用了药性极强的黏菌素抗生素,仍未能挽回他的生命。Despite being administered colistin, a powerful antibiotic, the patient died, the doctor said.

医药中表面活性剂必须无毒、无刺激、无副作用且不影响药性。It must be innocuity, and has no stimulation, no side-effect and noninteracting with medicine.

药剂一种草药浸剂或类似的制剂,当作饮料或因其温和的药性而饮用。A herbal infusion or similar preparation drunk as a beverage or for its mildly medicinal effect.

细菌趋药性算法是优化领域一种新的仿生进化算法。Bacterial chemotaxis optimization is a novel category of bionic algorithm for optimization problems.

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探讨了生石膏之药性归属、适宜剂量选择范围、药理作用途径、正确煎服方法四方面问题。Property, dosage pharmacology, way of making decoction of gypsum fibrosum were discussed in the paper.

许多人认为中药药性缓和,毒副作用小而应用安全。Many people believe that herbal medicinal detente, side effects are small and the application security.

慢性荨麻疹可以得益多虑平,三环类抗抑郁药与烈性抗组胺药性能。Chronic urticaria may benefit from doxepin, a tricyclic antidepressant with potent antihistamine properties.

采用反向透析技术测定体外释药性能,并对其释药曲线进行拟和。The release amount of ketoprofen SEDDS was determined by the bulk-equilibrium reverse dialysis bag technique.

四环素的抗生素药性不会随着努比亚人的食物加工过程失掉。Bread and beer were the only items in the diet of the ancient Nubians which could have contained tetracycline.

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某些细胞具备趋药性,即趋向或逃离扩散开的化学源。Some cells also exhibit chemotaxis the ability to move toward or away from the source of a diffusing chemical.

小侍从把雨果带到一边说了几句话,黑格随即把两杯药酒换成两杯没有药性的。The servant takes Hugo aside to tell him something, and Hagar changes the cups for two others which are harmless.

每次临床试验随机分配给患者真药物或药丸形状的无药性安慰剂。Every clinical trial now randomly assigns patients to either a real drug, or a placebo in the form of an inert pill.