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我会给它喂食,给它洗澡,每天带它出去遛弯。I'll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!

事实上,她甚至连遛弯的机会都没有。In fact, she is not even allowed to walk down the road.

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很快,我的朋友带杰克遛弯的时间到了。Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk.

这是个遛弯散步的好去处。It's quite a nice area to just meander and just to walk around.

遛狗早已成为家常便饭,但如果你要是牵着一只猫去遛弯会是什么情景呢?Walk the dog has become commonplace, but if you wanted to go Liuwan holding a cat is what situation?

然后在小家伙需要大小便遛弯之前快递公司人员将会回来。And then the delivery company would be back before the little bugger needed to poop and pee and be walked.

今天是周日,很多人携家带口上街遛弯,或在北海公园里散步,或在湖上溜冰。It was a Sunday, and families were walking in the streets strolling through Beihai Park, skating on the lakes.

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逐渐掌握老人遛弯的规律后,她每天上午都会多去电梯几次,默默地观察、温柔地提醒,以免出现摔伤跌倒。The old man Liu Wan gradually mastered the rules, she every morning to lift a few times, quietly observe, gently remind, to avoid falling down.

原来,余思慧所在的七里庙车站位于汉阳老社区,社区老人平时没事就喜欢来车站遛弯。Originally, Yu Sihui in the seven temple station is located in the old Hanyang neighborhood, community elderly usually nothing to love the station group.

我爷爷奶奶已有70岁了,他们很休闲,我爷爷每天出去遛弯,打麻将,我奶奶在家里休息。My grandfather grandma already has had 70-year-old , they lie fallow very much, my grandfather goes out to stroll every day curved , play mahjong, my grandma has a rest be in home.

家中养的宠物,尤其是每天被拉出去遛弯的成群的宠物狗,总的来说他们是水污染的一个重要来源,专家们指出,甚至威胁到人类健康。Household pets, particularly the legions of dogs taken for walks every day, collectively are a significant source of water pollution, experts say, and even a threat to human health.