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只有直系亲属过来参加了葬礼。Only immediate family members attended the funeral.

“那么,你有直系亲属吗?”修女试探着问道。"Well, do you have any close relatives?"the nun essayed.

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我的直系亲属生活在另一边的国家。My immediate family lives on the other side of the country.

除了我的直系亲属在伦敦以外,其他的亲戚都在利比亚。Apart from my immediate family, all of my relatives are in Libya.

家庭是一切的中心,不只是我们的直系亲属。Family is the center of everything, and not just our immediate family.

死者的直系亲属一般都在前面,所以他们很可能看不见。The immediate family is closer to the front, so they aren’t likely to see it.

但通常都是指直系亲属,核心家庭,少量分支。But we usually mean by it the immediate, the nuclear family, with some extension.

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重要的亲友是指夫妻双方的直系亲属,以及你们的密友。This includes the immediate family of both individuals, and your closest friends.

这两个理由是一个医学上能够证明的疾病或者学生的直系亲属身亡。Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.

在患者的直系亲属中,发病率要高上三五倍。It occurs three to five times more frequently in first-degree relatives of RLS sufferers.

参加者不可为新时代集团之雇员及直系亲属。The contestant must not be an employee or immediate family of an employee of Fairchild Group.

那些有直系亲属患胶质细胞瘤的人患这种肿瘤的几率要比别人高两倍。Those whose immediate relatives had glioblastomas had twice the risk of also developing them.

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在美国,强调每个人都是个体,自己照顾自己和他的直系亲属。In America, everyone is expected to look after himself and his immediate family as individual.

但是,如果直系亲属是奴仆出身,在明代官场上是很被人看不起的。But, if the next of kin is a maid is from, be despised very much on Ming Dynasty's officialdom.

如果直系亲属中有一人以上患有冠心病,那么家庭成员发病的危险更高。The risk to family members increases further if more than one member of the immediate family has CHD.

许多人肯定他们罹患癌症的几率会提高,如果他们的直系亲属中有人得过癌症。Many people assume that the risk of getting cancer increases if someone in your immediate family have cancer.

你可能会为客人打理一下你的家,或将注册您的直系亲属享受节日装饰品。You may be sprucing up your home for guests or putting up festive decorations for your immediate family to enjoy.

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虽然直系亲属是显而易见的,但是需要关注这一容易忽略的需要早期预防的群体。They conclude immediate family are an obvious, but neglected group at which primary prevention should be targeted.

申请该卡的公民必须满足一些条件,比如直系亲属中有波兰人,掌握波兰语等。Citizens to apply for the card must meet certain conditions, such as immediate family in Poland, Polish and other master.

有直系亲属患星形细胞瘤的人患星形细胞瘤的几率要比别人高接近四倍。People with immediate relatives who had astrocytomas were nearly four times more likely to develop the same kind of tumor.