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投下救生圈并呈文。Drop lifebuoys and report.

干电池式救生圈自亮浮灯。Self-igniting light dry battery type.

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请把我轮所有的救生圈重新油漆。Please repaint all the life buoys of our ship.

DY5555救生圈发球个人救生设备。DY5555 lifebelt serve personal lifesaving equipment.

我们试着扔救生圈给她,但是她抓不住。We tried to throw a life buoy. She could not grab it.

我有点怕了,你们救生圈吗?I'm a little scared. Do you offer the lifebuoy for us?

我有点怕了,你们提供救生圈吗?I'm a little scared. Do you offer the lifebuoy for us?

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幽默是生活波涛中的救生圈。Humorous is lives in the mighty waves life-saving jacket.

那里太深了,而且我们没将你们的救生圈带来。It's too deep out there and we didn't bring your floaties.

发现一个爱好,活动或兴趣可以成为我们生活中的“救生圈”。Finding a hobby, activity, or interest can be a life saver.

产生橙色烟雾,供白昼使用,并连附于救生圈上。Produces orange smoke for daylight use and combined with the lifebuoy.

一群年轻人将自行车胎绑在身上作为救生圈。A group of youngsters tied a bike tyre around the body as a swimming aid.

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当然,许多保守连想连救生圈一起摆脱掉。Of course, many conservatives want to get rid of life preservers altogether.

他必须要把救生圈带在腰上,或者他触手可及的地方,要不然他就会沉下去。he must have it around his loins, or his hand upon it, or else he will sink.

外国投资美国财政债券,变成美国经济的救生圈。The U.S. economy is buoyed by foreign investment into its treasury securities.

那好吧,我去拿救生圈。你要保证我没事。Alright, I'll go and take my life preserver. Promise me nothing bad will happen.

驾驶甲板、尾楼甲板、主甲板、首楼甲板总共设9只救生圈。Bridge deck, poop deck, main deck, forecastle deck shall have total 9 life buoys.

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这种特别的水泡眼金鱼,长着弹珠大小充满液体的眼泡,看起来就像长了对救生圈。The extraordinary bubble eye wears marble-size, fluid-filled eye sacs like water wings.

“斯蒂文的救生衣丢了,”康维喊道,“谁去把甲板上的救生圈扯一个下来!”"Steven lost his vest, " Conway called out. "Somebody grab the life ring off the deck!"

她朝窗外望去,看到湖面上漂着一个以前从没见过的救生圈。As she looked out of the window she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before.