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虽然是姹紫嫣红的春天。Though it was a colorful spring.

你的花园将绿草成茵,姹紫嫣红。Your garden will be full of green grass and gay flowers.

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相比自然姹紫嫣红,增强的高饱和度的颜色。Compared to the natural purples , the enhanced ones have higher saturation of colour.

在姹紫嫣红的花卉世界里,牡丹自古以来就素有“花中之王”的美誉。The peony has been honored the "queen of flowers" in colorful flower world since ancient times.

喜欢生活中的姹紫嫣红,也留恋网络里的欢歌笑语。The Blossoming of love in life, but also recall with nostalgia the network of song and laughter.

走过任何一条街,抬头向上看,家家的窗子前都是花团锦簇,姹紫嫣红。Wherever I went in town, I would raise my head only to see all residents' windows ablaze with flowers.

若是给他一个浇花壶,再加一把剪子,他就会忘情地泡在自家的花房里,悠游于那数百株品种各异姹紫嫣红的兰花中。With watering can and clippers, he would potter in his greenhouse among hundreds of varieties of orchids.

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走出公园,我还沉侵在姹紫嫣红的花海里,还沉侵在找到了一个崭新的春天的喜悦了。Out of the park, I was immersed in the colorful flower sea, still immersed in finding a new joy of spring.

我用真诚感受身边的五颜六色,用热情欣赏周围的姹紫嫣红。I use the sincere feeling around colorful, with enthusiasm to appreciate the very beautiful flowers around us.

云南丰富多样的自然植物资源,孕育出了云南少数民族姹紫嫣红的食花文化。Flower resources are abundant in Yunnan province and has formed various flower eating culture of Yuunan minority.

杜鹃花为敬亭山花,每到春天姹紫嫣红,李白作有“蜀国曾闻子规啼,宣城又见杜鹃花”的诗句。Azalea flowers Jingting Sange, every spring, Colorful, Li Bai as a "Shu has the cuckoo sings, Xuancheng see Azaleas, " a poem.

年轻的情侣携手漫步于姹紫嫣红的花丛中,远远地可以看到城市天际线的美景。Young lovers walked arm In arm amidst flowers of every color and a fIne view of the city skylIne could be seen In the distance.

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于徜徉在姹紫嫣红间,舒心凝神,品位生命特有之绚烂与天地蕴涵的奥妙。To roam in the brilliant purples and reds, comfortable life attentively, taste unique flowers and implication of the secret world.

不像故宫的御花园那样局促,这里有湖水碧波,正值深秋,姹紫嫣红的,比春天要多些情趣。Unlike the imperial palace as constraint, here are the lake blue waves, just when deep autumn, purples, than for spring to more interest.

昨天,杭城告别了连续几天的阴雨天气,灵峰景区被盛开的梅花装点得姹紫嫣红。Yesterday, Hangzhou said goodbye to the long lasting rainy days, and Scenic Lingfeng is decorated rosily by plum flowers in full blossom.

倦倚姹紫嫣红婀娜的春色,家门口,更多奇花异草沁香流露。Tired of the beauties of spring, graceful and purples relies on the doorstep, more rare flowers &grasses musical group ooze incense reveal.

在这天,人们走亲访友,分发糖果,并相互涂抹七彩颜色粉,预示着即将来临的春天将是姹紫嫣红、十分幸福的。On this day people visit each others home, distribute sweets and apply gulal on each other signifying the colourful and happy spring time ahead.

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一到春天,山上的梨花、桃花、柿子花、山楂花及各种花草相继开放,姹紫嫣红。A spring, hill pear, peach, hawthorn persimmon flower, flowers and all kinds of flowers and plants have been opening up, brilliant purples and reds.

春风吹绿了江南,悄悄走进人们的心灵,唤醒了被冰雪覆盖的沉睡的梦,再现了姹紫嫣红的生命本色。Spring Green the southern wind, quietly walked into people's souls, awakened by snow-covered sleeping dream, represents the life of colorful character.

随着五月的悄然来临,每一颗驿动的心也开始生机勃发,就像在五月里姹紫嫣红的花草树木。When the month of May comes, every lusty heart begins to blossom and to bring forth fruit, as if herbs and trees bring forth fruit and flourish in May.