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爱能历久常新。Love can never grow old.

历久而不衰的绝妙好曲!Another good song from Sarah Chen.

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昂贵,却可以历久保值。Costliness, but Historic Value-assurance.

爱能历久常新,华发或许会失去原来的光彩。Love never grow old, Locks may be lose their brown and gold.

高效悬污剂,织物历久常新。It also contains suspension agents, and can leave fabrics look like new.

该产品无须保养,用普通家用清洁剂及皮革护理剂就可保持历久常新。Do not need to maintain, it can keep clear and new with the leather depurative.

我于和煦的春风里闻到你历久弥香的芬芳。I am in the warm spring breeze in your enduring smell the fragrance of incense.

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历久不断的修练身体,将会自动的变的更加柔软及更有力度…The body will automatically become more flexible and more powerful, but it takes time.

这个形象的比喻历久常新,在今天仍旧为人所熟悉。Here is a word picture that has lasted through the centuries and is still familiar in our day.

激情握在手里边顷刻会化为灰烬,而藏在心底却可以历久常新。will be reduced to ashes at once, but that hidden at the bottom of the heart will endure and remain fresh forever.

科学的历久就是由一堆凌乱且难以整合的发现构成,往往会对于预期的研究结果缺乏激情。The history of science is littered with initial findings that don't hold up, or are less exciting with further study.

爱!藏在心底会历久常新。爱!表达出来会变得温暖。爱!化作行动会变得激情!Love! burried in heart can keep fresh. Love! voice out will warm everyone's heart. Love! in action will change into Fervor!

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门框上满是殷红的血手印,历久不褪,博丹便在此地阵亡。For a long time, all sorts of imprints of bloody hands were visible on the door-posts. It was there that Bauduin was killed.

铝合金材质飞利浦榨汁机采用铝合金制造,外形时尚,不会留下印痕或生锈,历久常新。Philips Juicers aluminum material used aluminum manufacturing, shape fashion, will not rust or left-prints, often lasting new.

这些品质虽饱经艰难时世仍历久长存——哪个时代又会少得了艰难困苦、冲突斗争和严峻挑战呢?These qualities persist even in difficult times—and what times are devoid of difficulties, of contention and conflict and challenge?

但是拥有一些彰显才智的技艺是爱情历久如新的基石,因为这也正是我们个性的基础,要喜欢上一个什么也不会的人实在太难了。But some intellectual mastery is fundamental to lasting love because it is fundamental to personality, and it is difficult to love a non-person.

艺帆绣品的产品制做灵感来自将古典之风与现代的流行元素充分糅合,给人以历久而弥新之感。Arts sail making embroidery products inspired by the classic style and modern fashion elements to fully blend, gives a lasting and fresh feeling.

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有时,激情抓在手里面,会化为灰烬,反而藏在心底,可以历久常新。Sometimes, the intense emotion grasps the in hand inside, will reduce to ashes, hiding in the heart bottom on the contrary, can for many years often new.

我们都希望文学作品传诸后世,成为让人逃避现实的庇护之所,都希望作品里的人物历久常新、始终如一,于是扁型人物往往就得以大行其道。We all want books to endure, to be refuges , and their inhabitants to be always the same, and flat characters tend to justify themselves on this account.

公司始终以真诚优质的服务,为社会创造历久常新,美好的居住生活环境为宗旨,诚邀同行莅临交流、委托设计和合作。We always take providing ever-new and better living environment for people as our aim and welcome any peer exchange, commissioned design and cooperation.