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萨芬娜表示,目前海洋环境的确面临着很大的压力。Of course, Safina said, the oceans today are stressed.

海运业是海洋环境污染的重要来源之一。Ocean shipping is one of main source of marine pollution.

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但我们处于一个研究海洋环境的理想位置。But our location is an ideal place to study the marine environment.

因此,大型海藻被称为海洋环境中的生物过滤器。Therefore, macroalgae is regarded as a bio-filter in marine ecosystem.

在海洋环境问题中,珊瑚海的勃勃生机使她成为了罕见的个例。The Coral Sea is a rare example of a marine environment that is thriving.

山东是海洋大省,海洋环境优越,海洋水产资源丰富。Shandong province, with a superior ocean environment, is rich in marine resources.

对青岛海域长期观测的海洋环境噪声数据进行水平相关特性分析。Ambient noise data measured in an experiment conducted near the sea-route were analyzed.

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在海洋工程结构设计中,考虑多种海洋环境条件的联合作用是非常必要的。In this work the procedure is used in the design of jacket platform and jack-up platform.

介绍了海洋环境要素分析预报的应用。This paper introduces the application of ocean environment elements analysis and forecast.

如何控制海运业对海洋环境造成的污染是海洋环境保护非常关键的一部分。How to control pollution from ships is fatal to the mission of marine environment protection.

艾迪伯纳德是西雅图太平洋海洋环境实验室的主任。That’s Dr. Eddie Bernard, director of the Pacific Marine Environmental laboratory in Seattle.

此项研究完全是根据海洋环境里强降水雨带资料进行的。The work is presented entirely in the context of severe rainbands in a marine-type environment.

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通过比较找出一种适用于海洋环境的椭圆拟合方法。By comparing the two we finally find a suitable ellipse fitting method for the environment of sea.

采用船舷法对某海域海洋环境噪声垂直分布进行了测量。The vertical distribution of ocean ambient noise is measured by a vertical array beside shipboard.

海洋环境社会学研究的是人的群体行为与海洋环境之间的相互影响。The sociology of marine environment studies in the interaction between colony and marine environment.

文中讨论了变性水团和海洋环境的相互关系。The correlations of the modified water-masses with the marine environment are discussed in this paper.

一种多重移动套网格斜压台风模式已被应用于海洋环境数值预报。A baroclinic typhoon model with a moving multi-nested grid is applied in marine environmental forecasts.

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并指出行星边界居的处理对海洋环境数值预报的重要性。It is shown that the PBL representation is of great importance to numerical marine environment forecasts.

这是由于水下目标辐射信号和海洋环境的复杂性、多变性造成的。This is caused by the complexity of underwater target radiated noise and the variety condition of the sea.

天然气水合物在海洋环境中与在纯水溶液中的生成条件有很大的不同。The conditions for gas hydrate formation in marine environment are very different from those in pure water.