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所有东西都被弃置了。Everything was discarded.

汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。The spoon has been rusty from disuse.

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很显然,这房间已经弃置不用多时了。Obviously the place hadn't seen much use lately.

我们且则把代办署理问题弃置到下周。Wll leave aside the problem of agency until next week.

弃置胀罐或渗漏的罐头。Discard cans that bulge at the ends or that are leaking.

结果就是一种稍纵即逝的文化,一种随意弃置的文化。The result is a culture of transience and disposability.

他们用粉笔在弃置的家门上写下“GTT”,便离开家园。They chalked “GTT” on abandoned front doors and departed.

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我们必须弃置这些方式,使之滞留在原有的位置──成为过去。We must leave these methods where they belong – in the past.

大多数国家核电站的管线设备目前很可能会弃置不用。The nuclear pipeline is now likely to run dry in most countries.

一些当地部门会有弃置废料的特别措施。Some local authorities have specially facilities or watercourses.

弃置大件玻璃利器时,请通知当值职员协助妥善处理。Broken glass and pipettes are "sharps". Dispose of them correctly too.

从小时候起我就酷爱画画,但由于工作原因,我将画画弃置一边。As a child I loved to draw. But because of my job, I put aside drawing.

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但拥有可弃置性更小的身体,却是可以带来一些补偿的赏赐。To be less disposable, however, is a blessing that offers some compensation.

类此,一个人还有许多身分上的关,是他不能弃置不顾的。So again, a man's person hath many proper relations, which he cannot put off.

但我们首先要做的是将自己对幸福的定义弃置不顾。But the first thing we need to do is to let go our own definition of happiness.

早期的内燃机使用原先弃置不用的汽油运转。The first internal combustion engines ran on the previously discarded gasoline.

第五章,主要是石油天然气会计即对弃置费用的研究。Chapter 5, It is mainly about accounting standards on dumping fees in oil and gas.

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东边被弃置的地方,仍旧有少数一些人拒绝搬迁。In this derelict eastern area, there are still a few die-hards who refuse to move.

未来的历史书还会记载说,我们的眼睛也弃置不用了。The future history books might record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.

她是自峭壁凿出的,一旦被弃置,这一切很快都会消失。It has been chiselled from the cliffs and if it was left, it would quickly disappear.