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这点小事不足挂齿。It's a trifle thing not worth mentioning.

所冒风险与所得相比不足挂齿。The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.

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甚至于她那特别善于狂想的灵魂也不足挂齿。Even her soul, so strong for rhapsody, was not enough.

这是琐事,不足挂齿。The beautiful mountains and streams are worth visiting.

“不足挂齿。”李雷说。“但现在你最好不说话。”"Don't mention it. "said Li Lei. "But you'd better not talk. "

有的人觉得这些都是微不足道的小事,不足挂齿,因而不屑于做这些事。Some people think these are trivial , not worth mentioning, which did not in doing so.

对于华盛顿的国防精英来说,中国技术落后的两栖平台不足挂齿。To Washington defense elites, China’s low-tech amphibious platforms are comfortably unthreatening.

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与这场地震相比,神户大地震的里氏等级或者其他任何等级,简直都不足挂齿。This will make the Kobe quake look like a blip on the Richter scale -- or pretty much any other scale.

不过,那些水实在是少得不足挂齿,以至于其不大可能对未来的月球殖民者有用处。But those amounts were so insignificant that it is unlikely the water would be useful to future colonists.

诚信,会使我们企业更有成功的辉煌而不会因任何不足挂齿的小事。With honesty, we can achieve greater success. With honesty, we are unlikely to stumble over small obstacles.

他的一位在夏令营的朋友回忆道,“他绝不会是个不足挂齿或无足轻重之人。One of his summer camp friends recalled, “He was never a nerd or a goof or the kind of kid you didn’t want your team.

毕竟,根据推理,如果我们有更大的马力来四处移动大象,小小的老鼠不足挂齿。After all, the reasoning goes, if we have the horsepower to move elephants around, mere mice should pose no challenge.

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发生过的就是,数不清的日日夜夜、会议、上下班和其他不足挂齿的事情悄无声息地溜走了。What happened is that countless days, nights, meetings, commutes and other unremarkable events went by, well, unremarked.

艺术是不足挂齿的。生活中真正要紧的事情一是自食其力、不做寄生虫,一是爱人如己。Art is small beer. The really serious things in life are earning one's living so as not to be a parasite, and loving one's neighbour.

虽然诈骗金额与华尔街伯纳德?麦道夫的惊天诈骗案相比,也许不足挂齿,但对于受害者来说还是很痛苦。The amounts may seem paltry compared with what accused Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff's investors lost but still were serious for those taken in by the scams.

尽管美国投资者已不堪忍受眼下低得不足挂齿的利率,但是他们心中依然充满焦虑和恐惧——既不敢一头扎到股票市场中去,又畏首畏尾的不敢继续投资债券。Investors are getting fed up with minuscule interest rates but remain nervous Nellies -- afraid to gallop into the stock market and afraid to hang back with their bonds.

但是像德国、韩国这样的发达国家,却认为,相对于碳排放、石油进口量增加这些问题,核能的危险性不足挂齿。But even advanced countries like France and South Korea seem likely to continue to prefer to look at nuclear power as less of a danger than increasing carbon emissions or dependence on imported oil.