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这个词没有单数形式。"Trousers" has no singular.

这个名词是单数形式。The noun is in the singular.

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这就是时尚界的单数理论。This is known as the Fashion Singular.

主体是单数还是复数?I. 1 Is the subject singular or plural?

单数主语与单数动词连用。Singular subjects go with singular verbs.

法语中“屏幕”一词为"ecran",是阳性单数。" in French and is masculine and singular.

乳罩为什么是单数,而内裤是复数。Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

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集合名词与单数动词连用。Collective nouns are used with singular verbs.

可数名词单数前需用限定词。Singular count nouns always take a determiner.

可数名词有单数和复数之分。Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.

到目前为止,订单数大约为170架,并且增加幅度缓慢。So far orders are around 170 and growing slowly.

是第三人称单数的中性代名词。"It" is the third-person singular neuter pronoun.

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对于“you”来说,单数与复数是一样的。the singular and plural pronoun 'you' is the same.

大多数的不可数名词只有单数的形式。Most uncountable nouns are only used in the singular.

抄录和记忆句型与惯用语时,要用单数第一人称。Use I when you record or memorize sentences or words.

那,你希望你是单数还是双数呢?So, you wish you were an odd number or an even number ?

我们拜拜时,只用单数数量来拜。When we worship, we only give offerings in odd numbers.

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为自动填充控件构建表单数据提供程序Build a form data provider for the auto-populate control

合议庭的成员人数应当是单数。The members of a collegial panel shall be odd in number.

后一种用法开始只限于单数名词。This possessive use was at first confined to the singular.