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我这浪漫派的络腮胡子!my romantic beard!

他们都长了络腮胡子。But they all have full beards.

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那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?Who is the man with the beard?

要我把您的络腮胡子刮掉吗?Would you like me to shave off your beard?

他已经决定留起络腮胡子和髭。He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache.

他刮了下巴上的络腮胡子,但仍留着嘴边的胡髭。He shaved off his beard but kept his moustache.

此人身着西装,手拿一个公文包,满脸络腮胡子——看上去很像个教授。A man in a suit, with a briefcase, a beard—some sort of professor.

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他是一个宽肩膀大脸盘身材结实,长着浓密的络腮胡子的家伙。He is a broad-shouldered and big faced stout guy with thick whiskers.

听录音,然后回答问题。那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is the man with the beard?

有一件事他在拉米申事件前后都没有做,那就是留起络腮胡子。One thing he had not done, either before or after la mission, was to grow a beard.

陌生人戴着深蓝色的眼镜,加上浓密的络腮胡子,整个脸都被遮盖了。The stranger's face was hidden by dark --- Blue spectacles and Bushy side whiskers.

生络腮胡子的那个戴一顶希腊式的圆统帽,另一个光着头,雪花落在他的头发里。The bearded man had on a fez, the other's head was bare, and the snow had lodged in his hair.

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随着故事的修改,索洛变成了一个体格粗壮,长着络腮胡子,衣着浮华的科雷利亚海盗。As the story developed, Solo became a burly, bearded Corellian pirate who dressed flamboyantly.

他戴上了一付从马戏团里借来的浓密的络腮胡子,而且戴上它在集市上到处转悠了。He had put on a thick beard borrowed from the establishment, and in this he wandered about the fair-field.

他体形很胖,留一把大络腮胡子,有点像帕瓦罗第,呼噜打的也很响。His bodily form is very fat, leave a big whiskers, a bit like palmer volo first, shout dozen also very loud.

留着络腮胡子的帕特里克西装革履,在台上走来走去,口若悬河,两眼闪着智慧之光。Wearing business suit and shoes, walking up and down in the platform, bearded Patrick spoke eloquently, eyes shining with wit.

留着老式传教士的络腮胡子,自称是一个“原教旨主义的摩门教徒”,对他来说多重婚姻是履行宗教义务。Bearded as an old-time preacher, Green, 52, describes himself as a " fundamentalist Mormon" for whom plural marriage is a religious duty.

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一头上月在旧金山湾区繁忙的高速公路上游荡时具有名气的,长着短短络腮胡子的婴儿海狮,已经回到大海。A baby sea lion who had a brief brush with fame when he wandered on to a busy San Francisco Bay area freeway last month has returned to the sea.

那人生了一脸灰白的长络腮胡子,穿一件女人衬衫,露着毛茸茸的胸脯和灰毛直竖的光臂膀。This man had a long gray beard. He was clad in a woman's chemise, which allowed his hairy breast and his bare arms, bristling with gray hair, to be seen.

1974年,他还是高中橄榄球队的队长──高大、帅气、留着络腮胡子,摩尔说那当时可是风行一时。In 1974, he was captain of the high-school football team -- tall, handsome, with mutton-chop sideburns that Ms. Moore says were 'all the rage at the time.'