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涨潮了。The tide is heaving.

又涨潮了。The tide's coming in again.

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我们乘涨潮时出海。We put out to sea at high tide.

现在是涨潮还是落潮?。Is the tide coming in or going out?

我船预计在涨潮时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat when tide rises.

涨潮潮流向南,落潮潮流向北。Tide flow south, north and ebb tide.

小潮涨潮尤其弱潮汐。Neap tides are especially weak tides.

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我们泊了船,等待涨潮。We moored in and waited for a high tide.

我听见涨潮的第一声海浪。I heard the first wave of the rising tide.

涨潮时游泳要多加小心。Be careful about swimming when the tide's in.

在涨潮的帮助下,他们得以解救了46头巨头鲸。By high tide, they managed to save 46 whales.

涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

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但他的回忆很快随着那一波涨潮时浪遗失殆尽。But his memory was lost with one high-tide wave.

我们在河口湾停泊等待涨潮。We moored in the estuary, waiting for high tide.

涨潮和落潮交替更迭。The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.

在神公义的国度里,生命是处于涨潮的状态。In the righteous kingdom of God, life is at full tide.

涨潮的时候,从海底升起阻止潮水倒灌。They'll be raised from the sea bed to shut Off high tides.

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涨潮时,海水伸到我们的住宅周围。When the tide rises, the seawater reaches around our house.

而在涨潮时垂向混合较强,表底分层不明显。Meanwhile, the water stratification is weak during the flood tide.

海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。Sea-water tide, day-to-day tide, every-day tide and every-day ebb.