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可以调节的电阻器叫做变阻器。A variable resister is called a rheostat.

把磁场变阻器调节至短接位置。Adjust the rheostat to the pipe nipple position.

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变阻器和电阻器安装在外面。The varistor and the resistor are mounted externally.

拖动变阻器触片可以改变其阻值。You can change the rheostat value by dragging its wiper.

如电阻丝烧断,应更换磁场变阻器。If the resistance wire is burnt out, change another field rheostat.

提出一种新型的步进式集成电子变阻器。A new kind of stepping integrated electronic rheostat is put forward.

本文设计出了一个调节分辨率极高的螺旋调节变阻器。A spiral rheostat which is very high in resolution capacity is designed.

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本文在探讨氧化锌变阻器经突波侵袭后所产生之劣化现象。The degradation of zinc oxide varistors after stressed by surges is studied.

电路12,滑动变阻器和用电器并联在电路中。Circuit 12, slide rheostat and the use of electrical appliances in the circuit in parallel.

通过调节真空室的气体流量和溅射时间,制备了性能优越的变阻器。Varistors with good properties are prepared with adjusting gas fluxes and sputtering times.

经济实用,便于推广,且性能优于铸铁片频敏变阻器。It is easy to use and its performance is better than cast iron frequency-sensitive rheostat.

本发明的新颖特点在于有一并联在电容上的变阻器。The novel features of the invention is a varistor that is connected in parallel with the capacitor.

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把开关箱中的磁场变阻器调节至短接位置,即转向箭头所指的电压最高位置。Adjust the field rheostat in the switchbox to the pipe nipple, i. e. the highest voltage which an arrow points to.

利用单盘天平、磁极、教学用的电表、变阻器等器材自制了安培力定量演示装置。The device quantitatively demonstrating Ampère force consists of single beam balance, magnet, ammeter, and rheostat.

变阻器单台产品在电路中可作串、并联使用,也可多台并机使用。Rheostat single products in the circuit can be used for series and parallel use can also be multiple, and machine use.

绕线式可变电阻器,包括变阻器及电位计,操作功率未超过20瓦者。Wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers, for a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 w.

在变压器的次级一侧有一个变阻器和齐纳二极管,它们起到进一步减小冲击脉冲的作用。At the secondary side of the transformer there is a varistor and Zener diodes which act to stepwise reduce the surge pulse.

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由于电流通过变阻器的全部电阻丝,故A、B之间任意两点都有电势差。As the current through the varistor all the resistance wire, so A, B are any two points between the electrical potential difference.

装在板面上的设备可以在正常运作中进行操作,如交换机和变阻器铆合的情况下。Panel mounted devices that may be handled in normal operation, such as switches and rheostats, are staked or otherwise prevented from rotating.

功能性填充颗粒作用如同变阻器是因为它们的晶界特性。The functional fillers act as varistors due to their grain boundary characteristics which can be adjusted by different formula and sintering conditions.