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接受绝地武士的训练。Jedi training.

我是蓝武士阿啾!I'm a blue samurai !

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绝地武士将不知道怒。A Jedi shall not know Anger.

我曾经是一个叫“严流”的武士。I was a samurai named Ganryu.

兄弟武士走的路各不同。Brothers took differing paths.

像一个武士骑一匹俊马。Like a warrior riding a horse.

圣武士们则不这么认为。The paladins feel differently.

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圣殿武士在战场上的呐喊声。The battle cry of the Templars.

谁会成为“龙武士”呢?Who will be the Dragon Warrior?

尤达已经加入了你的队伍,绝地武士!Joined your team has Yoda, Jedi!

这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。The young man is a bold warrior.

比如新的圣堂武士,新的法师。A new templar, new cabalist, etc.

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武士们以前在马背上以矛刺击。Knights used to tilt on horseback.

你知道的,我原本应是“龙武士”。You knew I was the Dragon Warrior.

城堡里布满了诸多斗武士精兵。And many a warrior-peopled citadel.

传说,日本是由一把武士刀而形成。They say Japan was made by a sword.

武士就到处去漫游。The warrior went to everywhere roam.

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我曾经是一个叫“严流”的武士。And I . I was a samurai named Ganryu.

圣殿武士在1307年被根除。The Templars were eradicated in 1307.

我是圣堂武士,我是真理之剑!I am Templar, I am the sword of Truth.