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余生都会倍感快乐。For the rest of our lives.

无比欢欣的劫后余生。The exultant joy of survival.

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他身经两次世界大战,劫后余生。He has come through two world wars.

今天是你余生的开始。Are you ready to lead, hereon earth?

他们说“余生都会很快乐。And they said, "For the rest of our lives.

我觉得自己是世界孤岛余生2中文版上最幸福的人了。I feel I am the ha iest person in the world.

他在日本度过了余生。He spent the remainder of his years in Japan.

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他常常在回家的路孤岛余生12金像上顺便来看看我。He usually dro in at my place on his way home.

而其他人在他们的余生里都会怕的要死。Others are scarred for the rest of their lives.

罼余生的日子,今天才是开始。Today is the first day for the rest of your life.

那些劫后余生大难不死的人,认识到了生命的意义。Those who have survived realize the meaning of life.

在您的余生里,每清晨称称自己。Weigh yourself every moring for the rest of your life.

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他的自我教育将继续他的余生。His self-education would continue the rest of his life.

我是否要在失去一只眼睛视力的情况下度过余生?Would I have to spend the rest of my life blind in one eye?

与妾共度一夜,君将余生齿颊留香。You would remember a night with me for the rest of your life.

他用余生翻译这些经文,于公元664年去世。He spent the rest of his life translating, and died in 664 AD.

这是大卫·科波菲尔劫后余生的个人事迹。It's the Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield.

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随后被立即送往圣赫勒拿岛,在此地度过余生,死于1821年。He was summarily dumped on Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.

她伤透了他的心,他将要用他的余生去忘记。She broke his heart , he spent his whole life tryin' to forget.

这场所谓的病持续了贝克特的整个余生。It was to be a disease that lasted for the rest of Beckett's life.