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被称为“大转盘”。It was called the Big Wheel.

他们来到了大转盘旁。They came to the Big Wheel next.

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就这样我开始在“大转盘”工作。And so I started at the Big Wheel.

钻柱是由转盘驱动的。The drill string is rotated by rotary table.

行星毕竟并非连接着转盘。The planets are not attached to a turntable.

小球用绳子系于转盘上。And the ball is attached to that disc with string.

而他们都在“大转盘”卡车休息站消磨时光。And they all hung out at the Big Wheel truck stop.

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该机是由转盘带动钻具旋转钻进的回转钻机。Cutting tools of the rig are driven by a turn table.

调整转车台方向的转盘.The rotary circle for measuring of traverser direction.

转盘不能转了,扭矩太大了。The rotary bable can't rotate . There is too much torque.

在转盘中有多少头马配着黄色的马鞍?On the Merry-go-round, how many horses have yellow saddles?

又是过山车、转盘和划艇之类。There were roller coasters turntables rowboats and the like.

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哪一个转盘他们两个赢的机会是均等的?Which spinner gives Kathy and Kym an equal chance of winning?

那种在里很常见的俄罗斯转盘也是利用这种原理。The very common Russian turntable is also using this principle.

对的,这就是你打开“幸运大转盘”大门的钥匙。Yes, this is the key to open the door of the "Wheel of Fortune".

他们来到了大转盘旁。‘我们玩这个吧。’蕙琪说。They came to the Big Wheel next. 'We play this bar. 'Wai Qi said.

转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor.

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那里的老街上的街心转盘现在被称为“硅盘”。The roundabout there on Old Street is now called "Silicon Roundabout.

转盘机或滑板机等多工位成型中水口料头之夹取。Applicable on rotating and sliding vertical injection molding machine.

转盘的高度和方向可调,非常方便。High & direction of Turnplate is adjustable and it is very convenient.