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只有天知道。God only knows.

只有天知道。Only God knows.

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天知道会有什麽样的结果?Who knows what will result?

天知道我多希望你死了。God I sure hope you are dead.

天知道我的床上有什么东西。God knows what was in my bed.

孤单的路上,只有天知道。Lonely roads, god only knows.

天知道,他们多有钱。God knows, they have the money.

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天知道,这已经超出了界限。God knows, it is beyond the limit.

天知道我犯下了什么罪孽。God knows what sin I have committed.

天知道。也许我就是那德行,我猜想。God knows. It was my way, I suppose.

天知道将来会是什么样子呢。God knows what the future will bring.

因为天知道地知道我不爱你,所以我不嫁你。And God knows that I have seen big ones.

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天知道它到底有多少是可信的So who knows how much we should trust it.

往左转是回家的路,往右转天知道通什么地方。Home was a left turn, right was who knows.

那母亲仍旧活着,生活得怎么样?天知道!The mother still lives. How? God alone knows.

我想只有天知道我有多爱你。I think only heaven knows how much I love you.

现在,但是天知道,也许已经晚了。Now, but who knows, it may already be too late.

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天知道,我是个不露声色的情人。God knows, I have been a very indifferent lover.

天知道好几十年前到底发生了什么。Who knows what actually happened all those years ago?

包伯的入学考试竟然及格了,真是天知道!Bob, Heaven knows how, passed the entrance examination.