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我们需要棒子,我们应该买断麦迪的合同。We need bonzi. Should buy out mcgrady's contract.

有钱人是如何用这个13世纪的法律买断我们的沉默的?How can the rich still be buying our silence with this 13th-century law?

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目前2300人的裁员目标里已有1100名员工接受了自愿离职买断协议。About 1100 employees accepted the buyout package aimed at cutting 2300 jobs.

据透露,李·卡特莫尔在和桑德兰签订的合同中含有买断条款。Lee Cattermole has a buyout clause in his Sunderland contract, it has been revealed.

个人最终消费者没有权力申请退还他们在买断货物时所缴纳的VAT税收。Personal end-consumers cannot claim recovery of VAT they paid upon buying the goods.

在买断以后的岁月里,白肋烟的需求远大于供应。In the years following the buyout, demand was greater than supply for burley tobacco.

买断式回购的推出,对银行来说既是机遇又是挑战。The introduction of outright repo presents both an opportunity and a challenge for banks.

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记得代理商人他们不买断所兜售的商品,所以也不承担相关的经营风险。Remember an agent does not own the products they sell and does not assume the risk of loss.

至于有多少员工预计将接受买断建议,福特并未给出明确目标.Ford did not provide a target for how many workers it expected would take the buyout offers.

报道称,切塞纳想先租借一个赛季,然后在明年夏天买断。The report states Cesena are seeking a loan agreement in view to a permanent deal next summer.

法国政府买断并免费向世界公布了此法。The French government purchased the rights to the daguerreotype and released it free to the world.

在他的租借合同上有这样的条款,允许罗马在6月22日至26日间买断该球员。Written into his loan deal was a clause, allowing Roma to buy him between the 22nd and 26th of June.

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公司通常需承担被解雇员工的大部分养老金,并一次性支付买断费。Firms typically provide the main pensions of staff they jettison, as well as lump-sum severance packages.

而纽约尼克斯买断马布里一事搁浅之后,如何使用马布里又成为新的议题。The buyout Marbury of the New York Knicks after the grounding , how to use Marbury has become a new topic.

他们买断大公司的控股权,通过改进管理以获利。They buy up controlling stakes in big companies, and raise profitability by improving corporate governance.

接受一份合适的买断报酬做为城市国营企业阵痛重组的代价。They received a modest buyout package as part of the city’s painful restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

俱乐部主席肯。艾德华兹说纽卡甚至已经向国安提出买断大格合同永久转会。Jets chairman Ken Edwards said the club had even offered to buy out the remaining year of Griffiths's contract.

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但是在选秀当天事情发生了变化,国际篮联又发来一封信说兰佩的合同里没有买断条款。But that changed on draft day, when FIBA sent out another letter saying that Lampe does not have a buyout clause.

也被称为“烟草买断计划的”烟草转移支付项目,帮助烟草配额持有人和烟农过渡到自由市场。TTPP, also called the "tobacco buy-out, " helps tobacco quota holders and producers transition to the free market.

第三条买断式回购的债券券种范围与用于现券买卖的相同。Article 3 The scope of the kinds of bonds bought back through buyout shall be the same as the bonds traded in cash.