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你看他提到了熔炼。You see he mentioned smelting.

我的第一个熔炼时刻似乎是很久以前。y first melting moment seems a long time ago.

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当他说熔炼,我会说,好,你明白了。When he said smelting, I said, OK, you got it.

空罐经过熔炼后,还可重新利用。Those empty tins are then melted down and reused.

其它应用包括熔炼,焊接和钎焊或金属。Other applications include melting welding and brazing or metals.

电炉是锌粉工艺进行还原熔炼的承载设备。Electric furnace is major equipment of zinc powder reduction smelting.

刚刚肯定卖贵的东西在拍卖行熔炼一堆。Just be sure to sell your stuff in the Auction House in smelted stacks.

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动力短缺已经使多个国家的采矿和熔炼中断。Power shortages have disrupted mining and smelting in several countries.

网形图是指导冲天炉熔炼操作的重要工具。Copula net diagram is an important tool for guiding the cupola operation.

文中给出了一个关于铜熔炼过程的计算实例。An example of calculation for copper-smelting process is presented in this paper.

钱币的证据表明了古印度有了熔炼的技术。Numismatic evidence of the advances made by smelting technology in ancient India.

冲天炉至今仍是铸铁生产最主要的熔炼设备。Cupola is the most inportant melting equipment for production cast iron up to now.

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简要介绍了金属间化合物的熔炼与铸造工艺。Smelting and casting technology for intermetallic compounds were introduced briefly.

擦除设备捕捉了这些附加的氟化物并把他们送回到熔炼过程。Scrubbing equipment traps these additional fluorides for return to the smelting process.

介绍了国内外冲天炉熔炼控制技术的发展状况。This article introduces the development of cupola melting technology at home and abroad.

用真空电孤熔炼合成了稀土基AB2型合金。Rare earth based AB2 type alloy has been synthesized by arc melting constituent elemente.

有关于大气熔炼浇注那些有高FPI和X光要求的铸钢件经验。Experience with Airmelt investment cast steel alloys with high FPI and X-ray requirements.

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棕刚玉磨料以铝矾土为主要原料经高温熔炼而成。Corundum abrasive with bauxite as the main raw material formed at high temperature melting.

经研究得知,熔炼煤的性质对COREX流程的影响至关重要。From research, it was proved that smelting coal properties were important to COREX process.

保温炉节能适用于不锈钢、精密铸造、铸钢、生铁、铜、铝、银焊条、汝铁硼等金属材料熔炼。Heating and through heating apply to forging, rolling, bending and metal surface quenching.