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这是以前常用的繁体字。Those are traditional characters.

于GB2312中与BIG5相对应繁体字编码转换。BIG5 to GB2312 with characters that corresponds to data conversion.

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输入中文时,应用大五码的繁体字,字与字之间不应有空格。Use Big-5 Chinese Character. Space is not used between Chinese Words.

繁体字的写法可以告诉你每个字的意思。The method of writing can tell you the meaning behind every character.

中华汉字繁体字与简化字的变革过程。The change process of Chinese traditional and simplified characters was proposed.

谁应该使用这个繁体字和简化字指南?Who Can Benefit from This Guide of Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters?

恢复繁体字就跟要求女人恢复裹脚一样。Resurrecting complex characters is like asking women to restart binding their feet.

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简体字和繁体字都是中国汉字,不觉得影响了什么!Do you think you do not understand these Chinese characters, the more arrogant you ah?

但各种繁体字版古籍中也有少许字用的是比今天的规范简体字笔画更简的字。But a few characters in certain ancient books are much simpler than those in modern edition.

我不认为我们应该用繁体字来代替简化字。I do not think we should use complex-formed characters to instead of simple-formed characters.

很多中国人也倾向于在名片上印繁体字的名。Many Chinese also prefer to use traditional characters to print their names on business cards.

为什麽要学习繁体字和简化字两种字体?先学哪一种?Why Learn Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters? Which Should Beginners Begin with?

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这场简体字与繁体字之争的最终决定因素可能是技术与需求。Ultimately, technology and need may be the decisive factors in the simplified versus traditional debate.

除注册商标及企业名称外,不得使用繁体字。Advertisements should not use Traditional Chinese except for the registered trademark and enterprise name.

为繁体字和简体字之间的诸多不同之处作一综述。A summation of the kinds of differences found between traditional characters and their simplified versions.

很多材料将来都会是电子版的,繁体字电脑输入会和简体字一样简单。A lot of material will be in digital form and traditional Chinese can be typed as easily as simplified Chinese.

一些汉字将会增加一些笔划,因此会和以前的繁体字更加相像。Some characters will have more strokes added and thus be brought closer to their earlier, more complicated forms.

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为什么不让他们先掌握简体字,然后再根据需要掌握繁体字呢?Why not let them acquire the simplified form first, and if they desire, move on to master traditional characters?

这位中国专家认为上述中文字是中文繁体字,其语境并无引起任何争议之嫌。The sinologist concluded that the text in question depicted classical Chinesecharacters in an non-controversial context.

这些对联和短诗是用繁体字写的,都是表达了对家庭在新的一年里的良好祝愿。These couplets, short poems written in classical Chinese, are expressions of good wishes for the family in the coming year.