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那耙子是做什么用的?。What's that rake for?

请用耙子把花园的小路耙平。Rake the garden paths, please.

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我们用耙子翻地。We use forks for digging the ground.

一名糟糕的园丁怪怨他的耙子。A bad gardener quarrels with his rake.

耙子与叶子一接触就奏出了音乐。There was music as I put rake to leaf.

用耙子把树叶推成一个又大又高的堆。Rake the leaves into a large, tall pile.

我拿了把古老的生锈的耙子去耙叶子。With an ancient, rusty rake I went to work.

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用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage.

把花园的耙子放在车两边。Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

他每天清晨用耙子将枯叶耙到一起。He raked the dead leaves together every morning.

一定要买一个小的塑料耙子,这样你的孩子就能帮忙了。Buy a small, plastic rake so your toddler can help.

我问道,扔下耙子,系上帽子。I asked, flinging down my rake and tying my bonnet.

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有时候,我拿一个耙子想一个修正草坪的家伙。Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake.

耙子的主要不同之处在于靶头的制作方法。The main difference between rakes is how the head is made.

飞行时或骑在扫帚或耙子上,或骑在某种有魔力的动物背上。They flew by riding brooms or rakes, or riding magical animals.

我来还你的割草机,你的耙子,树篱剪刀,还有你的水龙带。I'm returning your mower, your rake, yourhedge shearsandyour hose.

然后,用耙子把叶子聚拢到一起时发出了叶子碰撞声。Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together.

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蛋糕制造者无缘无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤的蛇。The cake dor shakes a naked snake dawn the quaking rake lacking sake.

“她的病很严重吗?”我问道,扔下耙子,系上帽子。But is she very ill?' I asked, flinging down my rake and tying my bonnet.

我来还你的割草机,你的耙子、树篱剪刀,还有你的水龙带。I'm returning your lawn mower, your rake, your hedge shears and your hose.