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狗的膀胱并不很大。Dog bladders are not large.

膀胱鳞癌可以治愈吗?Can be cystic scale cancer cured?

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他曾为患者打造新膀胱。He produced new bladders for patients.

用充气的猪膀胱,不相信吧?Inflated pig bladders would you believe!

非梗阻病变6例中5例为神经性膀胱。In the 6 patients, 5 had nervous bladder.

膀胱经很大程度的伸拉。Urinary Bladder lines are deeply stretched.

几乎所有的病人都有神经性膀胱。Almost all patients have a neurogenic bladder.

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我们还发现膀胱是另一组成部分。The bladder, as we have found out, is another.

甚至能在膀胱和肠管生长。It can even grow on your bladder or intestines.

膀胱输尿管反流可在某些病例出现。Vesicoureteral reflux may develop in some cases.

方法共有238位膀胱过动症妇女参与此研究。Methods. We randomly enrolled 238 women with OAB.

而肿瘤是经膀胱镜活体切片而确定之。The neoplasm was diagnosed by cystoscopic biopsy.

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剔除膀胱及输尿管周围多余脂肪组织。There were multiple polypoid tissue in the bladder.

膀胱扩张良好且膀胱壁是平滑的。Well distension of urinary bladder with smooth wall.

本文报告一膀胱平滑肌瘤病例。Herein, we report a case of leiomyoma of the bladder.

这种方式对女性的膀胱产生压力,这是一件好事。This puts pressure on her bladder, which is good news.

正常膀胱上皮含有4-6层上皮细胞。Urothelium normally consists of 4 to 6 layers of cells.

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肠道和膀胱损伤有时也有可能发生。Injuries to the intestine and urinary bladder may occur.

PDE5酶中还发现前列腺和膀胱。PDE5 enzymes are also found in the prostate and bladder.

尿动力学检查可以诊断神经源性膀胱并可将其分类。NB could be diagnosed and classified by urodynamic study.