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不,我船不能自修损坏处。No, I cannot repair damage.

这是个自修室,是么?This is like study hall right?

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为了在家自修而买了那本书。I bought the book for studying at home.

禁止在自修室吃东西、移动桌椅。No eating, moving chairs or tables are allowed.

成绩好的学生免上自修课。Good students are exempted from attending study hall.

我的父亲正在撰写一本组成的自修室。My father was writing a composition in the study room.

可能在学校有很多自修课。That perhaps there had been a self-improvement class in school.

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本局将于2013年为自修生举行最后一届高考。The last HKALE will be held in 2013, for private candidates only.

1916年入上海复旦大学法文系半工半读,并自修素描。In 1916 the fudan university in Shanghai in repentance and sketch.

大家可以从两者学习,然后择一供个人自修。People can learn from both, and then choose one for personal practice.

这男孩工作之后在晚上还得自修。The boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.

那年的课外自修项目是写一篇读书报告,还要在同学们面前朗读。That year's big project was a book report, to be read aloud to the class.

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男生们在彼此的房间里玩电子游戏,而女生们则挤在自修室里学习。Guys play video games in each other’s rooms, while girls crowd the study hall.

我认为这就像一个中学---早读和晚自修。I think it just like a middle school---morning reading and evening self-study.

自修,很是于大学本科的程度,用英语怎样翻译,感动。Self-culture be equivalent to the level of undergraduate course in university.

为了营造良好的自修环境,请保持自修室的安静与整洁。For the pleasant study environment, please keep self-study rooms quiet and clean.

我在自修室里念书之时候,那个人经老是要来跟我说话。In fact, you told me there's that one guy who always bothers you in the study hall.

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在20世纪80年代中期,托拉尔通过自修和在电脑学校学习了电脑语言和编程。In the mid-1980s, Toral studied computer languages and programs on her own and in computer schools.

学生还要分别上一学期的技术、家庭和消费科学、艺术和自修课。Students also take one semester each of Technology, Family & Consumer Sciences, Art, and study hall.

综上,国强民富重在教育和自修知识。To sum up, education and independent study are important to a stronger country and better-off people.