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我没闲心开玩笑。I am in no mood for joking.

的萨特和长有羊蹄的农牧神“,“既有闲心虚造,就无多少悲痛“"Where there is leisure for fiction, there is little grief."

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工作之余也有闲心兴致,这就是我们工作的性质。Send spirits have spare time, this is the nature of our work.

有事坐车离开工地,才有闲心欣赏车窗外的景致。Emergency car left the site, only to enjoy the car window Xianxin scene.

你会遇到能够闲心逸致谈论很多事情的人。You will come across like a person who can talk about many things with ease.

不在有闲心去关注老公那浑身毛病有多惹人厌,闭口不语换安宁。V. Xianxin not have to be concerned that her husband Re Renyan more problems, not the phrase word-for-peace.

他们要操心的是国家大事,哪里有闲心管这些小事情?What they ambition to anxiety is a national essential accident, where have a free idea tube these small affairs?

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真正能做好股票交易者,哪有那闲心天天更新日志,有那时间,还不如多选择备选目标!Stock who can really do a good job, how can it Xianxin daily update log, it was time to choose options such as multi-objective is not!

另外,你犯下的错误还等着她去处理,她已经很烦了,哪有闲心去安慰你呢。Besides, your boss is now annoyed because she has a problem to deal with, and you don't want to put her in the position of consoling you.

可如果现在退学就只有高中毕业的学历,出社会后也未必有闲心再回校读书,过去的大学梦也就破灭了。However, in the end he opted to continue with his education. He said to himself, "If I give up now I'll be nothing but a senior high graduate."

我要在“讲究”的客厅里吃爆玉米花。倘若有人在壁炉生火带出了炉灰,我不会操那么多闲心。I would have eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

王俊担心布拉泥认出自己,连忙摇手说不知,又说他自己还有一大堆烦心事,哪还有闲心管其他人。Wang junwork worry blah to recognize her, hurriedly wave his hand to say I dont know, and he said he still have a lot of trouble, and leave the others.

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我要在“讲究”的客厅里吃爆玉米花。你看优美散文集。倘若有人在壁炉生火带出了炉辉冬我不会操那么多闲心。I would have eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less just about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

我要在“考究”的客厅里吃爆玉米花。倘若有人在壁炉生火带出了炉辉冬我不会操那么多闲心。I would haudio-videoe eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less automotive service engineersssion the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplhvace.