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但盛到盆子里就发现了端倪。Sung to the pot to find clues.

一个艰难的长期性斗争已在参议院初露端倪。A long, hard battle now looms in the Senate.

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骆宾基的创作风格在这部小说中初露端倪。His writing style can be seen from this novel.

哪里有哪怕只一点外来生物的端倪呢?Where was the barest inkling of alien biology?

类似的法律框架在欧洲数国也正初现端倪。Similar laws are brewing in several European countries.

肌肉纤弱无力是杀手,这在生命中很早就初露端倪了。Frailty is a killer, and it can start very early in life.

甚至在其早年,他的力量、风采和危险性就已初露端倪。He exuded, even in those early days, power, presence and danger.

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谷歌的葫芦里到底卖的什么药,现在我们或许可以看出一些端倪了。We may be starting to see some signs of what Google was thinking.

自杀事件改变了这一切,其苗头自2007年以来已初现端倪,随后便是2010年3月至5月之间的九连跳。That all changed with the suicides. There had been a few since 2007.

超越这些陈词滥调和纸上谈兵须有一个高明的主意露出端倪。Beyond the platitudes and projects lies the germ of a brilliant idea.

林看出其中端倪,决心利崭毒魔。Forest see among them clue, determination benefit swell poison demon.

最初清理的时候,那只是一块破损的、泥饼状的石缸,一点也看不出端倪。It didn't look like much at first, just a broken, mud-caked stone mug.

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中国的投资者至少是能够窥视到其中的端倪的。China's investors have at least an inkling of the dimensions of the problem.

一直觊觎黄金未能得手的大铁塔也被白丁看出了端倪。Has been coveted gold failed to get big tower has also been an see the signs.

如果真是如此,将会是什么样呢,我们可以从一些已经支持这些协议的平台上看出一些端倪。What this will look like can be gleaned from platforms that already support it.

就在近海区石油钻井平台之外,新的问题已初露端倪。There are new problems on the horizon, just beyond those oil platforms offshore.

至于哪些太阳镜本季最流行,从明星脸上就能看出端倪。As to what sunglass this season is the most popular, can see clue from star face.

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从这个严重的社会境况中出现了现代资本主义的端倪。Out of this serious social situation emerged the beginnings of modern capitalism.

你今天可以瞥见一些端倪,如全世界的股市跳水。You can see the beginnings of this today as stock markets around the world gyrate.

0年代股票投资一直萎靡不振,牛市在1982年才露端倪The '70s were a terrible time to invest in stocks, a bull market had started in 1982.