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我全身都痒。I tickle all over.

全身还是半身?Fulling or halfing?

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他们全身湿透。They were drenched.

你全身都能流汗吗?Do you sweat all over?

他全身汗水淋漓。He was bathed in sweat.

他全身出了一片红疹。He breaks out in a rash.

我全身都被淋湿了。I was showered all over.

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琴的羞耻感流贯全身。I feel so ashamed of you.

琴的羞耻感流贯全身。I felt so ashamed of you.

大雨浇得他全身都湿透了。He was drenched with rain.

汗水湿透了他的全身。Sweat soused him all over.

吻遍我全身,宝贝。Cover me with kisses, baby.

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军士长全身被汗浸湿透了。Sweat soaks First Sergeant.

医生给他做全身检查。Doctor is checking his body.

你需要全身检查。You need a general check up.

婴孩全身出了一片红疹。The baby broke out in a rash.

他全身泡在洗澡盆的热水中。He lay immersed in a hot bath.

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我每年都做全身体检。I do a full workup every year.

我觉得全身酸痛。I feel sore and ache all over.

近全身关节酸痛。Near whole body joint is sore.