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"这打压公债价格,"他说道."That pressured bond prices," he said.

他们热心购买公债。They are eager to buy their government bonds.

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他们莫名其妙地放弃了那些正在升值的公债。They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason.

假设公债规定永远于每时间段支付一英镑Let's say this thing pays one pound a period forever.

它就是永续公债里现值的计算公式That's the formula for the present value of a consol.

股市受乐观情绪推动上涨,也阻碍了公债上涨.A rally in stocks on buyout optimism also hindered bonds.

1989年,通过柜台销售方式首次发行保值公债。In 1989, issued inflation-proof bonds for the first time.

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尽管数据疲弱,美股收高.美国公债也上涨.On Wall Street, stocks closed higher despite the weak data.

法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market.

日本指标10年期公债期货2JGBv1跌0.02点,报139.29点.December 10-year JGB futures were down 0.02 point at 139.29.

战争公债——投骰子来多收额外的IPC。War bonds – collect additional IPCs per based on a die roll.

其中最简单的东西叫做公债或叫永续年金The simplest thing is something called a consol or perpetuity.

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这份公债能确保你永久收到利息Then you've got something that will pay you something forever.

过去很多年来,史蒂芬斯公司控制着阿肯色州的公债生意。For many years, Stephens had controlled the state’s bond business.

对股票和政府公债来说,听起来是桩好事。That sounds like good news for both equities and government bonds.

长债方面,30年期公债波动尤其大.At the long end, the 30-year Treasury bond was particularly volatile.

如果我们把它变做公债,我们也许会丧失本金和一切。If we bring it into the funds, we shall maybe lose the principal and all.

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公债认购者获得高于储蓄的利息。The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings.

一些华尔街的分析者吧德国的公债竞投看成是提醒信号。Some Wall Street analysts viewed the German bond auction as a wake-up call.

你可以直接或者通过美国经纪人对大多数公债进行投资。You can invest in most of the funds either directly or through a US borker.