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我喜欢读热点新闻。I like reading hot news.

我们会热点儿水洗衣服。We'll heat some water to wash clothes.

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还有其他严重的潜在热点存在。Other serious potential flashpoints exist.

这也是近年来眼科视光学研究的热点。This is the hot point of the optical study.

自由曲面的构造一直是逆向工程研究的热点。Free-form surface fitting is a hotspot in RE.

这一问题是当今计算机界重要的热点问题。The issue is a hot topic of computer science.

我们都有情绪上的热点与冰点。We all have our emotional hot and cold spots.

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这段,它已成为了举世注目的热点问题。Recently, it has become a hot issue everywhere.

这有助于在您的数据库上避免热点。This helps to avoid hot spots on your database.

一大热点就是黑色又要轰轰烈烈地回来了。Big news is that black is making a big comeback.

养老保险制度改革一直是业界争论的热点。The reform of the pension system is a hot topic.

这是广受欢迎、意趣盎然的包价旅游热点。This is a popular and lively package tour hotspot.

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插图软件安全性依然是热点话题。illustrationSoftware security remains a hot topic.

准备好了吗吸烟热点构词行动?Are you ready for smoking hot word-building action?

信任成为近年来的网格安全中研究热点。Recently, trust becomes a hotspot of grid security.

电子政务是信息技术应用的一个热点。E-government is the popular issue of IT application.

新闻导语是信息集中的热点,形式各异。News leads in various forms are information centers.

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热点图使用颜色或者图标作为实现这点的方法。Heat maps use colors or icons as a way of doing this.

这两个地区也是去年的热点地区之一。Last year the two areas is one of the hot-spot areas.

热点新闻是报纸的兴奋点。The hot point news is the newspaper's exciting point.