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地震烈度是经常使用的一个名词。Seismic intensity is a term frequently used.

该记载表明武都8级地震在这里的地震烈度至少达到了X度。This record indicates that the seismic intensity here in the earthquake reached X degree.

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有超过四千在全国各地方来衡量地震烈度米。There are more than four thousand seismic intensity meters in place across the country to measure earthquakes.

该电站地处高寒、高地震烈度区,大坝填筑质量控制难度大。The dam lies in the high-cold and high earthquake intensity zone. It is difficult to control the quality of filling.

有超过四千日本全国地震烈度表中来衡量地震活动。There are more than four thousand Seismic Intensity Meters in place throughout Japan to measure earthquake activity.

试验结果显示,在研究区域内的可液化土层在7度地震烈度下有发生液化的可能性。The in-situ test results show that under seismic loading with magnitude 7, some in-situ soil layers could be liquefied.

地震烈度包络线通常用地面调查宏观地震影响和破坏现象来划分。Earthquake isoseismal is usually determined based on the macroscopic earthquake affection and damages observed in the field.

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本文利用山东省及其邻区14个地震的37条等震线拟合山东地区地震烈度衰减公式。The formula of seismic intensity attenuation fitted by using 37 isoseismal lines of 14 earthquakes in Shandong and near area.

区划图是分别用地震烈度和基岩水平加速度峰值来编制区划的。The seismic zoning map was worked out separately by use of earthquake intensity and peak value of horizontal acceleration of bedrock.

我国现行抗震设计规范中给出的反应谱依赖于两个参数,即地震烈度和场地土类别。The response spectrum given by present design standards depends on two parameters, i. e. earthquake intensity and site classification.

例如,1944年日本东南海地震发生时,长野县诹访湖周围局部地区的地震烈度就非常大。For example, the 1944 Tonankai earthquake in Japan, Lake Suwa, Nagano Prefecture earthquake intensity around the local area is very large.

本文提出了一个用误差向后传播算法拟合地震烈度衰减关系的方法。In this paper, a procedure to establish macro-intensity attenuation relationship by means of the error back propagation approach is presented.

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本文在考虑地震烈度评定和预测的不确定性的基础上,提出建立烈度衰减概率模型的方法。A method is presented for use in establishing probability model of seismic intensity attenuation in regions with abundant data of isoseismal maps.

地震时一定点地面震动强弱的程度叫地震烈度。我国将地震烈度分为12度。Earthquake shook the ground at a certain point is the deGREe of strength of seismic intensity. China's seismic intensity will be divided into 12 degrees.

利用新疆历史地震考察资料,采用多元回归方法拟合新疆地区地震烈度衰减规律。Combined with the survey data of historical earthquake in Xinjiang, the seismic intensity attenuation law has been fitted with multiple regression method.

根据上述标准和方法,给出了四川及邻近区域的地震烈度区划图,将该图和新近颁布的中国地震烈度区划图进行对比,发现两者大体相近。The seismic intensity regionalization map of Sichuan and neighboring area was given according above standard and methods map of China Both are about the same.

一系列计算机测试模拟了不同地震烈度的振动力,结果显示这种新设计的房屋不会倒塌。A series of computer-based tests that mimicked the shaking force of a range of earthquake intensities showed that the houses with the new design do not collapse.

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潮汐响应各向异性现象有望在地质构造研究、城市断层探测、地块活动微动态、地震烈度区划等研究领域发挥作用。The anisotropy of tidal response will be helpful at geologic structure research, city fault survey, land block micro activity, earthquake intensity area delimit.

对于历史地震资料,准时间可预报复发行为可由地震后平静时间的对数与地震烈度的回归方程描述。For historic earthquake data, this behavior can be described by the regression equation of logarithm of quiet time after an earthquake versus intensity of this earthquake.

小湾水电站位于高地震烈度区,双曲拱坝坝肩抗力岩体存在多种地质缺陷,需采用置换洞及高压固结灌浆措施对其进行加固处理。The replacement holes and high pressure consolidation grouting have been used to reinforce the rock body with many geological defects in double-curvature arch dam abutment.