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让我预测25年后会发生什么有些勉为其难了。It's hard for me to predict what will happen in 25 years.

生活已经足够艰辛,要再多喂四张嘴也是勉为其难。Life was hard enough already without four extra mouths to feed.

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是他勉为其难,让步接受了老板的苛刻要求。He had to hit the bullet and give into his boss's unreasonable demands.

他只好勉为其难,听从老板无理的要求。He had to bite the bullet and give in to his boss's unreasonable demands.

工作环境中常常勉为其难的做事情吗?Under working circumstances do you always do what you are reluctant to do?

勉为其难正是我的问题所在,这还是我“人定胜天”的思想在作怪。Trying too hard was precisely my problem. It was the mind over matter issue again.

这样一名前锋去打圣诞树体系里的单前锋,确实有点勉为其难了。Such forward to play a Christmas tree in a single-striker system, do a bit of reluctance.

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玛丽刚刚开始学法语,读法语小说实在是勉为其难。Since Mary has just begun to learn French, she finds that she is beyond reading the novel in French.

痛是理所当然,当我们在为爱而惨,当你说勉为其难,不如我们现在好好的散。The pain is behoove when we are in love, and miserable, when you say little, as we now have scattered.

你们当然仍然可以分享生日蛋糕,,“寿星”不想站在众人面前,也不要勉为其难,让人家产生负罪感。You can still have cake day, but don't guilt someone into standing in front of the group if she doesn't want to.

你们当然仍然可以分享生日蛋糕,但是,如果“寿星”不想站在众人面前,也不要勉为其难,让人家产生负罪感。You can still have cake day, but don’t guilt someone into standing in front of the group if she doesn’t want to.

一开始就要在不同选项之间做出选择并组合出一个开发环境来可能有些勉为其难。Navigating between the various options and assembling a development environment can be overwhelming at the beginning.

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我今天真想到海滩玩,不过还是要勉为其难留在家里,为了明天的期末考试温书。I'd really like to go to the beach today, but I had better bite the bullet and stay home to study for tomorrow's final exam.

计划生育政策在执行中因地而异,它很难适用于少数民族,在农村地区也勉为其难,因为农村地区不存在人口过多问题。it hardly applies to China's minorities and is more lightly applied in rural areas—and there is no population boom in those parts.

难道是因为我们能力不足,只得勉为其难,接受上面的安排,混口饭吃吗?Or do we have to manage to receive the arrangement by the high level official to lead a so-so life because our ability is not enough?

不管其股份的规模,政府坚持其持有股票是勉为其难,且将不插手业务管理。Despite the size of its stake, the government is adamant that it is a reluctant shareholder and will stay out of managing the business.

温玉洁有时会出于报答,而勉为其难来应付一些自己并不喜欢的工作,为了微薄的报酬而面对挑剔的客户。Wen Yujie sometimes has to bite the bullet and undertake jobs she doesn't like, low pay and picky clients in order to "return a favor".

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如今上场的队员中,87年后的孩子竟然有6名,指望他们惊鸿一瞥或许还可以,但让他们赢球就确实勉为其难了。Now the players in the game, 87 years after the child was a six, count on them to Jinghong and maybe even at a glance, but they did win on the reluctance.

不过这番话倒是比什么都有效用,使她能够勉为其难地跟客人攀谈起来。Were the same fair prospect to arise at present as had flattered them a year ago, every thing, she was persuaded, would be hastening to the same vexatious conclusion.

Berry在下周举行GSA年度会议前称,女性如果无法平衡妻子、母亲与职业生涯角色的话,她们不必过分勉为其难。Speaking ahead of the GSA's annual conference next week, she said girls should "stop beating themselves up" if they cannot juggle a career with being a wife and mother.