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白菜早就咕嘟烂了。The cabbage is overcooked.

泉水咕嘟咕嘟地往外冒。The spring kept bubbling up.

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公车上的气体咕嘟,咕嘟,咕嘟响。The gas on the bus goes glug, glug, glug.

他端起一碗水咕嘟喝了下去。He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down.

他端起一碗水,咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去。He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down.

直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟?睾忍朗谴炙椎?。Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar.

她正用吸管咕嘟咕嘟地喝牛奶。She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.

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老沙头从怀里拿出一瓶老白干,“咕嘟”,地调了一大口。She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed.

听到了,你喝起来有咕嘟咕嘟的声音。Well, listen to me chug this soda and tell me what you hear.

在咕嘟的协助下,阿一也回到了百汇城。In GuDu under the assistance, o a also returned at parkway city.

我们所能听到的只是一些模糊不清的劈啪声,咕嘟声和嘶嘶声。It is pretty certain that you have heard a soft crackling noise.

据报道,伯克利咕嘟咕嘟活着可以以6比1击败活得比弱旅。It has been reported that the Berkley Gulp Alive can beat outlive minnows by 6 to 1.

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“咕嘟咕嘟…”小蓝鱼开心地吐出了一串泡泡。把闪光鳞贴到了自己那蓝色的鳞片当中。The little blue fish bubbled playfully, as he tucked the shiny scale in among his blue ones.

“他最有力的话语,是情绪咕嘟树皮即是说”我怀念你!His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say I've missed you!

要确保你的室友看见你喝饮料了,而且当你咕嘟咕嘟喝的时候还夸赞“你的饮食很健康啊”。Make sure your roommate sees you drinking it and say “you had a good run” while you chug the shake.

每个晚上他都聆听我的烦恼,或是咕嘟着表示他懂,或是放一个响屁来以表鼓励。Every night he listens to my troubles, cooing his understanding or praising me with an encouraging fart.

这时,咕嘟看不下去了,便要协助小风和阿一面对本人的感情,面对对方。At this time, GuDu see not bottom go to, will assist small wind and a face, o my feelings, face each other.

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她的姐姐马乔里猛地用力把碟子放进洗碟机里,几分钟后,机器开始发出咕嘟咕嘟的嗡嗡声。Her sister, Marjorie, slams plates into the dishwasher, and a few minutes later it begins to gurgle and hum.

5月24日的新月和其后两周里,工作机会将咕嘟咕嘟浮出水面。Career opportunities will begin to surface just after the new moon May 24 and in the two weeks that follow it.

原来这小小的美女是阿一的妹妹咕嘟,眼前本人喜欢的哥哥喜欢了他人,于是便处处针对小风。Originally this little girl iso a sister GuDu, at present I like brother likes others, hence then everywhere for small wind.