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小分队提前出动了。The detachment set off ahead of schedule.

被八路小分队队长包卫国及时拦住。By eight team captain Bao Weiguo timely stop.

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这支医疗小分队是由一名医生和两个护士组成的。This medical team is made up of one doctor and two nurses.

也让杉木发现黄鸣锋的突击小分队的行踪。Also let Chinese fir found huang feng assault teams whereabouts.

黄鸣锋的突击小分队重新组建起来,一共六人。Huang feng of the assault team to set up, a total of six people.

相反,只需要部署一支自主的原油擦洗机器人小分队。Instead, just deploy an army of autonomous, oil-scrubbing robots.

小分队电台使用“星星”呼号与军司令部“大地”进行联络。Squad radio using the "stars" call sign and Command "Earth" for contact.

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在发生暴乱期间,经常有一支警察特别小分队处于整装待命状态。A special team of police were kept on standby during the time of violence.

他自称是一个小分队的指挥官,手下大约有100人。He explained that he was the commander of a small unit, with around 100 men.

事发一个星期后,美国一小分队士兵伤的伤,死的死。By then, a week into the thing, a quarter of Bravo Company was wounded or dead.

这支由四人组成的小分队空降到中国南部,从此杳无音信。This fourman team parachuted into southern China and was never heard from again.

今天拂晓在该镇附近的如来佛市的有害物质救援小分队已经进入受灾地区。A hazardous materials team from nearby Raleigh was to assess the damage at daybreak.

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因此Miller上尉他的小分队深入敌后,去执行这个危险的任务。Therefore, Captain Miller takes his squad behind enemy lines on this dangerous mission.

在恩多卫星上,莱娅与突袭小分队失散,却与一个伊渥克部落建立起了友好的关系。While on Endor, Leia became separated from the strike team, and befriended an Ewok tribe.

机器人部队跟尤达的小分队发生多次交火,每次都铩羽而归。Time and again the droid forces confronted Yoda's small team, each time experiencing defeat.

1665年,他回到英国,并成为一个军舰小分队的副舰队司令In 1665 he returned to England and became vice-admiral of a squadron of English military ships.

此类谈判有助于确保为计划免疫小分队设立安全通道,并保证使其接近儿童。Such negotiations help guarantee safe passage for vaccination teams and secure access to children.

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小分队成员敏捷与火线官兵融为一体,全力为其效劳,博得了官兵们的尊敬。Team members with the officers and agile together, to help you, for its won the respect of soldiers.

唐尼和费克图推出了给小分队的给养和物资,包括食品和空中接人所需的设备。Downey and Fecteau pushed out supplies for the agent team—food and equipment needed for the aerial pickup.

红军基层指挥员雷五龙所率领的红军小分队执行敌后营救任务的精彩故事。Led by the red army base commander ray wulong red detachments fascinating stories behind the rescue mission.