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可看到桃花岛!Can see Peach Island!

背板力木?用桃花心木。For back braces? Mahogany.

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桃花谢了,有再开的时候。The peach blossoms are over.

我是因为这个女人才喜欢桃花。I am in love with this woman.

桃花都已经开过了。The peach blossomes are over.

桃花流水杳然去。Peach flowers flow with the stream.

这足以体现中国人对桃花的喜爱。It shows how the country loves them.

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这个地方叫桃花屯。This place was named Taohua Village.

已恨桃花容易落,落花比汝尚多情。Even quicker than those peach flowers.

桃花朵朵为谁开。For whom does each peach bloom bright?

我现在的脸定是比这桃花还红。I now face than the peach blossom red.

桃花初开,泛起一片涟漪。Early on a peach blossom open, ripples.

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桃花心木,世界上最硬的木头。Mahogany, the hardest wood in the world.

春风灞水上,饮马桃花时。Bashui spring, the horses when the peach.

种桃花的种子就得出一株桃花。Flower seeds give flower plants and so on.

月下桃花的绝伦又怎论之?How exquisite the next month of the peach?

有红鸾桃花,感情与人际关系都非常顺利。Really smooth with love and public relation.

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童年的记忆是开满桃花的。Childhood memories are full of peach blossom.

“桃花流水鳜鱼肥”。Peach Blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer.

于是,他从山茱萸跑向盛开的桃花。So he raced from dogwood to blossoming peach.