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英语中由色彩词汇构成的成语使用广泛,形象生动,语言洗炼,富于哲理。Idioms formed by colour words in English are vivid, concise, moral and widely used.

不仅仅提示了婴孩期的纯洁,还提示了由经验洗炼过的智慧。They suggest not merely the purity of infancy, but a wisdom clarified by experience.

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由颜色语素构成的成语在英汉成语中广泛使用,形象生动,语言洗炼,富于哲理。Set phrases formed by color morphemes in English and Chinese are widely used, vivid, concise and moral.

更是献给那些经过世俗洗炼后却仍对世事充满信心的大女孩。Is dedicated to the purification of those who read the secular confidence after the still of the things the big girls.

它用色传统而讲究、色彩浑厚而鲜艳、线条粗犷而洗炼,造型古拙而夸张。It uses tradition , daintily, thick and bright color, the line rough but baptized, the form is clumsy but exaggerated.

劳动者,在晚上凝望着火,常把白天积聚起来的杂乱而又粗俗的思想,都放到火里去洗炼。The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day.

在另一方面,如果一个人忽略了文学性格的修养,无论在文法或文艺的洗炼上用了多少工夫,都不能使他成为作家。On the other hand, no amount of grammatical or literary polish can make a writer if he neglects the cultivation of a literary personality.

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英语谚语简洁洗炼,独具特色,所含修辞丰富,句意古雅而富哲理。English proverbs are of great brevity, and possessing particularities, which are abundant in rhetoric and archaic and elegant sentences full of philosophic theory.

试制了PE-207型和CH-15型清洗剂,并用于清洗炼厂油品换热器的结垢,取得一定的济经效益。This paper introduces the derelopment and evaluation of PE-207 and CH-15 cleaning compositions, which have been applied in removing the fouling products of refinery oil product heat exchangers.

用词准确、造句洗炼、修辞手法独到的旅游广告语能够准确体现旅游经营机构的经营理念、形象定位、产品卖点等。Excellent slogans in the advertisements for tourism embody effectively the mission of the tourist agency, the positioning of the enterprise, and the unique selling point of the product or the service.