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碰到其他雪人了吗?Meet any other snowmen?

唱歌曲“雪人”。Sing Frosty the snowman.

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现在你有了两个雪人。Now you have two snowmen.

雪人,他问鲁道夫。The Snowman, he asked Rudolph.

有两棵树和一个雪人。There are two trees and a snowman.

你能告诉我雪人住哪儿吗?Can you show me where the yeti lives?

按一下阿飞帮助他堆一个雪人。Click ALFY to help him make a snowman.

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三个雪人,一个饶舌歌手和一对搞笑的夫妇。Three yetis, a yak and a couple of yuks.

雪人的特征是异常的灵活。The Yeties feature extraordinary deftness.

我们一起有了一个漂亮的雪人。We have made a very nice snowman together.

人们停下,望著,和这雪人擦肩而过。People stop and watch the snow man pass by.

关于雪人还有许多其他的故事。There are many other stories about the yeti.

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还有雪人,柳精,伟人和七个小矮人。Snowman, Willow, trolls and the seven dwarfs.

你知道雪人在夏天时做些什么吗?Do you know what snowmen do during summer day?

这些雪人为什么还长着翅膀?These are snowmen. But why do they have wings?

圣母峰雪人的弃婴,化粪池堵塞的凶手。Everest Snowman foundling, blocked septic tanks.

冬季——雪,雪人,打雪仗。The Season of Winter—Snow, Snowmen , Snow Games.

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雪人的这种形象很快就变得炙手可热了。This image of the snowman soon became lucrative.

拉卡帕告诉了警察她遭遇雪人的地方。Lhakpa told the policeman where she saw the yeti.

牦牛又大又壮——不过雪人更大。Yaks are big and strong – but the yeti was bigger.